Mavenir and Terrestar Achieve Industry First Satellite Voice Over NB-IoT Call in NTN Mode
Breakthrough deployable via software upgrade to existing GEO satellites using available S-band spectrum to allow operators to monetize NTN services immediately
RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, and Terrestar Solutions Inc., Canada’s premier mobile satellite operator, have achieved a groundbreaking milestone by successfully completing an industry first Voice over NB-IoT (Narrowband Internet of Things) call in NTN (Non-Terrestrial Networks) mode. The achievement was conducted over a 3GPP-standardized NTN S-band spectrum, avoiding interference common in terrestrial networks. Designed to work with GEO satellite delays as well, the network ensures consistent coverage despite higher latency. This approach enables GEO operators to monetize NTN services immediately.
This industry-first call was made earlier in the year, January 2025, using standard codec, Sony’s Altair ALT1250 module, Mavenir Open RAN (Open vRAN and Open Beam radio), Mavenir Converged Packet Core, and was conducted in collaboration with Terrestar.
The successful VoNB (Voice over NB-IoT) call highlights Mavenir’s and Terrestar’s industry leadership in delivering innovative solutions that bridge the connectivity gap in challenging and remote environments. By leveraging 3GPP standards-based NTN technology, the collaboration is driving the integration of satellite and terrestrial networks to bring seamless connectivity to underserved regions, supporting IoT use cases and extending the scope of reliable communication.
Jacques Leduc, President, Terrestar Solutions: "Terrestar Solutions embodies innovation and leadership as the first MSS player to offer a real-time voice service based on a fully compliant 3GPP non-terrestrial network. With our dedicated S-band spectrum and an open network architecture, we leverage the strength of the 3GPP ecosystem to drive a breakthrough that sets us apart. Our mission: to accelerate the ecosystem development and provide all, through their mobile service provider, with satellite mobile connectivity that ensures security, autonomy, and independence."
Sachin Karkala, SVP & GM, RAN Business Unit, Mavenir: "Satellite services provide the perfect addition to existing terrestrial networks, adding a layer of widespread coverage, and nowhere is this more important than underserved and remote regions. This development allows satellite operators to launch voice services immediately using available spectrum, existing GEO satellites and industry-standard user equipment with a simple software upgrade to deliver voice services country-wide.”
This achievement paves the way for broader adoption of NTN-based NB-IoT solutions and further integration of voice services into IoT ecosystems as the standards progress. It also reinforces Mavenir’s role as a pioneer in delivering technologies that empower industries and communities worldwide.
Notes to the editor:
- Whitepaper - 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks: Get Ready for Launch
- Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) – Mavenir
- Mavenir and Terrestar Achieve NB-IoT Non-Terrestrial Networks Milestone With First Live Data Sessions
- Mavenir and Terrestar Solutions Partner to Accelerate Commercial Deployment of 5G New Radio Non-Terrestrial Network
About Terrestar Solutions
Terrestar Solutions Inc. is the only Canadian mobile satellite operator engaged in the race to bring direct-to-device satellite services to smartphones and IoT devices and make anywhere-in-Canada communication a reality. Terrestar is committed to nurturing the ever-evolving, standards-based and open network ecosystem, enabling Mobile Network Operators to deliver ubiquitous communication services. Thanks to the Echostar T1 satellite, its ground network infrastructure and 40MHz of S-band mobile-satellite spectrum, Terrestar connects Canadians from almost anywhere in the country, even in Canada’s most remote regions, through its Strigo Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS). The Strigo service also supports non-profit and First Nations organizations, a testament to the Company’s powerful sense of responsibility towards the welfare and progress of the communities it serves. For more information, visit, or follow us on LinkedIn.
About Mavenir
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Meet Mavenir at Mobile World Congress 2025, Barcelona, Mar 3-6, 2025.
To explore Mavenir’s latest innovations and learn more about how Mavenir is delivering the Future of Networks – Today, visit us in Hall 2 (Stand 2H60) at #MWC25.
Media Contacts
Mavenir: Emmanuela Spiteri
Terrestar: Victoria Ollers
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