Hivello & iAgent Explore Partnership to Power Decentralized AI Compute
LONDON and AMSTERDAM, Feb. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hivello, a platform simplifying decentralized node management for non-technical users, and iAgent, an AI agent training platform, are excited to announce the exploration of a strategic partnership to bring decentralized GPU computing to AI model training.
IAgent is developing a next-generation AI agent training platform, currently utilizing high-performance GPUs for development. Following the launch of its protocol in Q4 2025, iAgent plans to transition to decentralized consumer-grade GPUs to scale its network efficiently.
Hivello, a leader in decentralized compute aggregation, provides a seamless way for users—including gamers—to contribute their spare computing power to Web3 applications. By distributing decentralized compute workloads across thousands of individual nodes, Hivello enables a scalable, cost-efficient, and user-friendly approach to AI computation.
Both companies recognize the potential of this partnership and are aligning on key milestones to ensure a smooth collaboration. Hivello could play a major role in distributing the iAgent client to its network of users, allowing gamers and everyday PC owners to contribute their GPUs to iAgent’s AI training workloads.
Hivello and iAgent are exploring several key areas of collaboration to advance decentralized AI compute. One of the main focuses is leveraging Hivello’s distributed network of consumer-grade GPUs to support iAgent’s AI training models after its protocol launch. This would provide iAgent with a scalable and decentralized alternative to traditional high-end GPUs.
Additionally, both companies see strong potential in a joint marketing collaboration to raise awareness about the benefits of decentralized AI computing and attract more participants to their networks. On the technical side, Hivello and iAgent will evaluate infrastructure requirements and performance benchmarks to ensure smooth GPU integration, allowing iAgent to expand beyond high-end GPUs and efficiently utilize decentralized computing power.
“This partnership represents a major step toward decentralized AI compute,” said Domenic Carosa, co-founder and chairman of Hivello. “iAgent’s vision for AI agent training aligns perfectly with Hivello’s ability to aggregate consumer GPUs into a powerful network. Together, we’re making AI more accessible, efficient, and decentralized.”
Jamie Batzorig, Co-Founder of iAgent, added: “Decentralized compute is the future of AI scalability, and Hivello’s expertise in node aggregation makes them a perfect partner for our long-term vision. We’re excited to explore how we can leverage their network to power AI training in a decentralized way.
About IAgent :
iAgent’s Visual Learning Model allows gamers to train custom AI agents from their gameplay footage, powered by decentralized computing. By leveraging blockchain technology, it introduces a new digital asset class, enabling you to create, own, and monetize your AI agents in gaming.
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About Hivello :
Hivello is an aggregator of DePIN projects that allows any user to participate in a variety of DePIN networks with just a few clicks. This eliminates the technical hurdles that many users face when trying to join these networks, and allows users to generate an extra source of income by mobilizing their idle computers. We aim to create a simple app that allows users to contribute their computer resources with no technical knowledge required.
Website | X | Discord | Telegram | LinkedIn
Contact information:
Karla Janse van Rensburg
Marketing coordinator @ Hivello
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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