Freshworks and Unisys Join Forces to Transform IT Service Management for Mid-Market and Enterprise C
The new strategic relationship underscores Freshworks’ plans to scale the global distribution of its uncomplicated service software
SAN MATEO, Calif., Feb. 26, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH), a leader in people-first AI service software, today announced a strategic relationship with Unisys (NYSE: UIS), a leading global technology solutions provider, to resell Freshworks' modern IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions, including Freshservice and Device42. This partnership underscores a shared commitment to serving the mid-market —an often overcharged and underserved segment in the ITSM landscape.
“Our collaboration with Unisys is driven by a shared view that the market needs a fresh approach to IT services. Together we aim to disrupt the status quo with easy to use and deploy software that gives IT, operations, and business teams the ability to deliver exceptional experiences — without complexity,” said Laura Padilla, Senior Vice President of Global Channels and Partners at Freshworks.“The deep expertise and global reach of Unisys make the company the perfect partner to help us rapidly expand into both the mid-size and large enterprise markets.”
As the first large-scale Managed Service Provider (MSP) in the Freshworks ecosystem, Unisys introduces a powerful new channel for Freshworks. A global company supporting clients in more than 120 countries, Unisys serves a diverse range of industries, including Commercial, Financial Service and Public Sectors.
Unisys secured a win with a U.S. midsized industrial company, which selected Freshservice over its previous ITSM provider and successfully went live in under 12 weeks. The ease of use, fast deployment, and quick time-to-value of Freshservice highlight the practical benefits of Freshworks’ approach while further enriching and strengthening the robust portfolio of Unisys in enterprise service management.
"We are thrilled to partner with Freshworks to deliver innovative solutions to mid-market and large enterprise companies. This collaboration leverages our global workforce of IT professionals and our vast expertise in ITSM and field services,” said Patrycja Sobera, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Digital Workplace Solutions business unit at Unisys. “Together, we are well-positioned to drive significant value for our clients, enhancing their operations and delivering exceptional service experiences.”
Freshworks’ expanding partner ecosystem — which includes over 500 active partners — continues to grow with this strategic collaboration. With the global workforce of IT professionals at Unisys and the company's expertise in ITSM and field services, the partnership positions Freshworks for accelerated growth while reinforcing its mission to make ITSM accessible to midmarket businesses worldwide.
Learn more about the Freshworks Partner Program here.
About Freshworks
Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH) provides people-first AI service software that organizations use to deliver exceptional customer and employee experiences. More than 72,000 companies, including American Express, Bridgestone, Databricks, Fila, Nucor, and Sony choose Freshworks’ uncomplicated solutions to increase efficiency and loyalty. For the latest company news and customer stories, visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.
About Unisys
Unisys is a global technology solutions company that powers breakthroughs for the world's leading organizations. Our solutions – cloud, AI, digital workplace, logistics and enterprise computing – help our clients challenge the status quo and unlock their full potential. To learn how we have been helping clients push what's possible for more than 150 years, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.
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