Philips accelerates precise imaging with unique AI technologies in MRI to improve patient outcomes
February 26, 2025
- Philips integrates advanced AI algorithms into its MRI systems, featuring Dual AI-driven engines in SmartSpeed Precise [1] to enable faster scanning
- Innovations include the latest AI-enabled MR Workspace software to enhance patient throughput, reduce scan times, and improve image quality—leading to more accurate diagnoses, shorter wait times, and reduced backlogs for MRI scans
- The latest technology is available across Philips' 1.5T and 3.0T MRI scanners [2], including the latest helium-free 1.5T high-performance BlueSeal wide-bore system [3,4], supporting healthcare providers worldwide
Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Vienna, Austria – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, strengthens its MRI leadership with the launch of SmartSpeed Precise [1], powered by Dual-AI engines. Building on its award-winning [5] Compressed SENSE and SmartSpeed technologies, this next-generation solution delivers faster scans with higher image quality. Debuting at the 2025 European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2025, Feb. 26-Mar. 2, Vienna, Austria), SmartSpeed Precise significantly improves scan speed and diagnostic image quality, extending AI-driven efficiency across the entire Philips MR portfolio—including existing customer systems. Also showcased will be the latest MR Workspace software release 12 [6], which streamlines workflows and empowering clinicians to deliver faster, more accurate diagnoses. These innovations reflect Philips' commitment to enhancing efficiency, accessibility, and precision in MR imaging.
Dual AI engines in SmartSpeed Precise
Additionally, ECR 2025 marks the European debut of Philips’ next-generation helium-free [3] 1.5T BlueSeal, the industry-first wide-bore MR scanner [4], reinforcing Philips’ commitment to sustainable, patient-friendly imaging solutions. Together, these advancements highlight how Philips is accelerating better patient outcomes through unique AI-driven technologies and innovative MR solutions that meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers worldwide.
Customers have seen the efficiency gains of SmartSpeed which help reduce patient wait times and optimize scanner utilization, allowing facilities to deliver high-quality imaging with greater speed and reliability. “With SmartSpeed on our BlueSeal scanner, we have reduced exam times to less than 60 minutes per slot for a multi-parametric diagnostic quality whole-body exam, making it possible to scan 2 more patients per day,” said Wayne Picker, VP of Clinical Technology at Prenuvo, Inc.
Customers also anticipate significant time savings and workflow improvements with Philips’ dual-AI SmartSpeed Precise [1] technology, which helps streamline their imaging processes, enhance efficiency, and increase patient throughput. “We are impressed by the extremely sharp and crisp images, diagnostic confidence, and fast scans delivered by the dual-AI SmartSpeed Precise solution. We expect it will set a new standard in clinical performance with its ease of use, high image quality, and acceleration controlled by a single parameter,” Picker added.
Marking a major step toward autonomous MRI scanning
The latest SmartSpeed Precise [1] technology further enhances productivity, enabling scans to be completed up to three times faster [7], significantly cutting scan times while maintaining exceptional image quality. At the core of SmartSpeed Precise is its dual-AI engine, which delivers an 80% improvement in image sharpness [8], enhancing visualization for more confident and accurate diagnoses. This powerful combination of speed and precision enables radiologists to detect subtle abnormalities with greater clarity, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. Philips' new release – MR Workspace R12 [6] – introduces a ‘zero-click’ workflow [9], seamlessly guiding the entire imaging process from scan initiation to report generation. By reducing manual intervention and optimizing efficiency, MR Workspace R12 [6] empowers radiology departments to boost patient throughput and reduce backlogs, addressing the increasing demand for faster and more precise imaging. A key innovation within MR Workspace R12 [6] is its AI-powered SmartExam feature, which automates 80% of MR procedures [10], streamlining operations and standardizing imaging workflows.
Additional groundbreaking innovations include Smart Reading [4], the first solution that seamlessly [11] integrates cloud-based AI-driven quantitative reporting. Smart Reading leverages cutting-edge AI platforms such as icobrain (icometrix) for neurology – including Alzheimer’s disease detection – and QP-Prostate (Quibim) for advanced prostate cancer diagnostics. By delivering objective, high-confidence diagnoses, these zero-click [9] AI solutions help ensure streamlined, data-driven decision-making for clinicians. With MR Workspace R12 [6], SmartSpeed Precise [1], and Smart Reading [4], Philips continues to push the boundaries of AI in MRI, driving efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in diagnostic imaging while paving the way for the future of autonomous MR scanning.
Leading the way in Eco-friendly MRI with next-gen helium-free BlueSeal scanner
Launching in Europe at ECR 2025, Philips’ latest 1.5T BlueSeal MR wide-bore scanner reinforces the company’s commitment to sustainability. Featuring a helium-free magnet system [3], it eliminates the need for helium refills, even in the event of a shutdown, ensuring long-term reliability and reducing environmental impact. Since 2018, Philips BlueSeal technology has saved nearly 5 million liters of liquid helium, helping preserve this finite resource. With more than 1,500 installations worldwide, Philips BlueSeal MR systems cut energy consumption by nearly 40 MWh per year, lowering operational costs and carbon footprint. Their lightweight design enhances installation flexibility, including use in mobile MRI units, supporting global access to sustainable, high-quality imaging. With these innovations, Philips continues to lead the shift toward eco-friendly and efficient MR solutions.
"Perfectly aligned with this year’s ECR theme, ‘Planet Radiology’ – which emphasizes better patient care while protecting the planet – Philips is tackling two critical challenges: expanding global access to precision care and advancing environmental sustainability," said Ioannis Panagiotelis, PhD, Global Business Leader MRI at Philips. "By integrating high performance-enhancing AI engines across our entire portfolio of new and installed helium-free BlueSeal scanners, we are revolutionizing MRI efficiency while reducing environmental impact. These innovations ensure that more patients worldwide can access high-quality imaging, while healthcare providers benefit from more sustainable and cost-effective operations."
For more information on the next-generation Philips BlueSeal magnet system and the latest AI technologies in MRI, visit Philips at #ECR2025.
[1] SmartSpeed Precise is considered work in progress and is not CE marked and not available for sale.
[2] SmartSpeed Precise will become available for Philips portfolio of MR systems except for Prodiva 1.5T and Multiva 1.5T.
[3] Helium-free operations. 7 liters of helium is permanently enclosed in the cryogenic circuit.
[4] BlueSeal XE/SE and Smart Reading are considered work in progress, not being regulatory approved/cleared and not yet available for sale, in any region.
[5] Adaptive-C-SENSE-Net technology is the winner of the FastMRI Challenge hosted by Facebook AI Research and NYU Langone Health (2019).
[6] MR Workspace R12 is available for the entire portfolio of Philips 1.5T and 3.0T MR systems.
[7] Compared to Philips SENSE imaging.
[8] Sharpness was evaluated with phantom scanning.
[9] Zero-click workflow refers to steps after data acquisition is completed for AI processing. No additional user interaction is required to send data to the External application cloud and receive reports in PACS.
[10] With SmartExam, not available to patients with MR Conditional Implants.
[11] Seamless indicates the workflow is an automatically enabled post-processing step in MR-console. Validation of the AI applications is done by the 3rd party and not by Philips.
For further information, please contact:
Kathy O’Reilly
Philips Global External Relations
Tel.: +1 978-221-8919
E-mail :
About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips’ patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring, and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and employs approximately 69,700 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at
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