Mavenir and OXIO Powering the Next Generation of MVNOs
OXIO’s Telecom-as-a-Service Platform integrates Mavenir Packet Core, IMS and Messaging solutions on Amazon Web Services for enhanced agility
RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 26, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, today announced that it has been selected by OXIO, a leading Telecom-as-a-Service (TaaS) company, for Packet Core, IMS and next generation messaging solutions to support borderless MVNOs and embedded connectivity use cases on a global scale.
Mavenir has deployed a packet core that enables 4G and 5G user connectivity with an open, cloud-native, container-based solution, accompanied by Mavenir’s messaging platforms enabling revenue growth from valuable A2P and B2C segments. Mavenir’s MAVcore® functions are implemented as microservices running in containers, using open APIs to integrate with 3rd party platforms and observability frameworks. This allows network operators to roll-out services faster, increase efficiency, and reduce downtime.
OXIO’s cloud-native, programmable TaaS platform helps businesses to build and launch mobile services quickly and without limitations. Mavenir will help OXIO customers deliver and monetize a full suite of connectivity and messaging services.
This is Mavenir’s first deal with OXIO and signals the intention to expand into further markets across the Americas with the mission to deploy worldwide. Mavenir’s products are deployed over the Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloud enabling OXIO for flexible, fast and cost-efficient multi-countries deployment.
Adil Belihomji, Chief Technology Officer at OXIO, added: “We are a cloud-native platform, and we share that approach with Mavenir. The quality and flexibility of their services across Packet Core, IMS and Messaging will ensure a best-in-class experience for our customers as they launch new telecom services worldwide.”
Antonio Correa, Senior RVP Southern Europe, Caribbean & Latin America at Mavenir, said: “OXIO is a true innovator, and a driver of real change in the telecom industry. This first deal with OXIO will demonstrate the value that we can bring to their offering – and our cloud-native approach enables Mavenir solutions to be replicated in any geographies with rapid go-to-market times.”
About Mavenir
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir’s award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world’s subscribers. For more information, please visit
Meet Mavenir at Mobile World Congress 2024, Barcelona, Mar 3-6, 2025.
To explore Mavenir’s latest innovations and learn more about how Mavenir is delivering the Future of Networks – Today, visit us in Hall 2 (Stand 2H60) at #MWC25.
About OXIO
OXIO is building the global network of the future as the first telecom-as-a-service (TaaS) platform, founded Our technology-first approach to telecom unlocks innovation and possibility while delivering actionable insights for customer-obsessed companies competing in a data-driven world. OXIO is headquartered in New York with offices in Mexico City and Montreal. For more information, visit To learn more about current openings, visit
Mavenir PR Contact:
Emmanuela Spiteri
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