A2MAC1 Strengthens Global Sales Leadership to Enhance Client Proximity and Growth
Boulogne-Billancourt, France – March 3rd, 2025 – A2MAC1, the global leader in automotive benchmarking and insights, announces a major step in its organizational evolution with the appointment of Jasmino Burkic as Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) and the reinforcement of its regional leadership with the arrival of Jessica Zheng, Vincent Ruty, and the promotion of Tetsuro Ida as Regional General Managers. This strategic transformation underscores A2MAC1’s commitment to strengthening its client partnerships and driving innovation across key markets worldwide.
Jasmino Burkic Joins as Chief Revenue Officer as of March 1st
Jasmino Burkic steps into the role of CRO, bringing over two decades of expertise in scaling technology companies, particularly in the software and SaaS sectors. His leadership in strategic business development, mergers and acquisitions, and sales transformation will be instrumental in enhancing A2MAC1’s commercial strategy and reinforcing its market leadership.
Prior to joining A2MAC1, Jasmino served as CEO at Rapid Data GmbH and Ecovium GmbH where he successfully restructured the company for scalability and growth. His previous experience at incadea GmbH, and SAP has equipped him with deep industry knowledge, particularly in the automotive and software domains. His appointment marks a pivotal moment in A2MAC1’s journey toward delivering even greater value to its clients through an integrated and customer-centric approach.
“I am thrilled to join A2MAC1 at such a transformative time. By aligning our innovative solutions with a Best Practice sales strategy, we will continue to provide our clients with unparalleled insights and support,” said Jasmino Burkic.
Regional Leadership Reinforcement
To further strengthen its local presence and client engagement, A2MAC1 has appointed experienced leaders to oversee its key regions:
- Jessica Zheng, General Manager North America, brings over 15 years of expertise in sales & marketing, product, and global business development. Her ability to navigate complex markets and foster client relationships will drive A2MAC1’s expansion in North America.
- Vincent Ruty, General Manager EMEA, leverages more than 20 years of international leadership in technology, innovation and operations. His deep understanding of transformation and customer needs will ensure seamless support and growth across the European market.
- Tetsuro Ida, General Manager Asia, has been promoted in recognition of his significant contributions to A2MAC1’s success in the region. With a career spanning two decades in the automotive and technology industry, his knowledge of Asia’s dynamic market landscape will strengthen the company’s footprint and client collaborations.
“This evolution of our leadership structure is a strategic move to get even closer to our clients,” said Patrick Katenkamp, CEO of A2MAC1. “With Jasmino at the helm of our global sales organization and a strengthened regional leadership team, we are reinforcing our ability to deliver tailor-made solutions that empower our clients to navigate an ever-changing industry.”
With this enhanced structure, A2MAC1 is poised to accelerate its global growth and continue providing industry-leading insights that drive innovation and competitive advantage for its clients.
About A2MAC1
A2MAC1 helps its clients engineer better vehicles, faster and with more confidence. A2MAC1’s mission is to empower businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth through a unique blend of technical insights, competitive analysis, trend forecasting and integrated solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of the automotive industry.
With a global presence and a reputation for excellence, A2MAC1 is the trusted partner for companies looking to stay ahead in a rapidly changing industry.
A2MAC1 Communication Team
24 – 26 Quai Alphonse le Gallo
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France
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