XPENG Sets New Benchmark in Indonesia, Becoming the Most Intelligent EV Brand in the Market
- XPENG officially enters the Indonesian market, marking a significant milestone in its global expansion, supported by Erajaya Active Lifestyle (ERAL).
- XPENG will initiate its localized production strategy starting with Indonesia, focusing on the X9 and G6 models in the second half of 2025.
- XPENG and ERAL will establish a strong alliance, leveraging their combined strengths in smart technology, consumer electronics, and premium lifestyle to deliver an innovative model of "globalized technology with localized experience."
JAKARTA, Indonesia, March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XPENG, a leading Chinese high-tech automotive company, proudly announces its official entry into the Indonesian market. This strategic collaboration aims to introduce XPENG's cutting-edge electric vehicle technology to Indonesian consumers, leveraging ERAL's established market presence and retail expertise to ensure a seamless ownership experience.
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
Initiating XPENG's Localized Production Strategy
XPENG plans to begin local production in Indonesia, focusing initially on the G6 and X9 models, designed specifically for the right-hand drive market. This strategy demonstrates a shift towards a more integrated, localized approach. By localizing production and integrating supply chains, XPENG aims to create a community of shared interests in global markets through technology, production capacity, and ecosystem partnerships. This will enable the company to provide more efficient, customized solutions to Indonesian consumers as well as other key markets.
The Next Growth Engine Markets for XPENG
As Southeast Asia's largest new car market at the million-unit level and a high-potential market, XPENG aims to build Indonesia and other markets in the APAC region into its next growth engine, propelling its global success.
At the launch event, XPENG unveiled its 2025 product lineup for Indonesia, featuring the X9 and G6. Both models exemplify XPENG's commitment to AI-driven innovation, intelligent mobility, and high-performance driving, offering a smarter, more connected, and convenient experience for users.
Globalized Technology and Localized Experience
XPENG is not only democratizing technology globally but also democratizing user experiences worldwide. To create a unique user experience in the Indonesian market, XPENG is forging a deep partnership with the Erajaya Group, leveraging both parties' strengths in smart technology, consumer electronics, and premium lifestyle brands.
"XPENG seeks partners who share the same vision and dreams. Erajaya Active Lifestyle is such a 'new-force' in Indonesia and a perfect fit for XPENG locally," said Brian Gu at the event.
As a leading player in Indonesia's high-end technology and consumer electronics sector, Erajaya represents top global brands, including DJI drones and premium lifestyle products. Under Erajaya's leadership, DJI has already built a strong technological reputation and market presence in Indonesia. Building on this advantage, XPENG and Erajaya will work together to drive market education for advanced smart EVs and enhance the user experience.
"Erajaya Active Lifestyle is proud to be at the forefront of XPENG's journey in Indonesia. Our deep understanding of the local market and commitment to innovation-driven brands position us uniquely to support XPENG's growth," said Djohan Sutanto, CEO of Erajaya Active Lifestyle. "Together, we are introducing a new era of smart, sustainable mobility in Indonesia, with an emphasis on customer experience and service excellence."
With this launch, XPENG and ERAL are set to redefine Indonesia's EV landscape, delivering a smarter, more connected, and more sustainable mobility experience for consumers.
Founded in 2014, XPENG is a leading Chinese born AI-driven mobility company that designs, develops, manufactures, and markets Smart EVs, catering to a growing base of tech-savvy consumers. With the rapid advancement of AI, XPENG aspires to become a global leader in AI mobility, with a mission to drive the Smart EV revolution through cutting-edge technology, shaping the future of mobility. To enhance the customer experience, XPENG develops its full-stack advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) technology and intelligent in-car operating system in-house, along with core vehicle systems such as the powertrain and electrical/electronic architecture (EEA). Headquartered in Guangzhou, China, XPENG also operates key offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Amsterdam. Its Smart EVs are primarily manufactured at its facilities in Zhaoqing and Guangzhou, Guangdong province.
XPENG is listed at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: XPEV) and Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX: 9868).
For more information, please visit https://www.xpeng.com/.
About Erajaya Active Lifestyle:
PT Sinar Eka Selaras Tbk (ticker code: ERAL) or Erajaya Active Lifestyle is a company focus to sales, distribution, and retail network operator of active lifestyle. This also includes Internet of Things (IoT) and its ecosystem, lifestyle gadget, smart home and active fashion. Recently, ERAL has been trusted to represent global brand representative of Apple, DJI, Garmin, IT (Immersive Tech), Lamina, Loops, Marshall, Nothing, OPPO, Samsung, SHOKZ dan many more. Until the end of September 2024, ERAL operates 145 retail outlets under Urban Republic, Garmin Brand Stores, DJI Experiences Store, JD Sports, ASICS and more. Since 8 August 2023, ERAL officially listed at Indonesia stock exchange. For more information about Erajaya Active Lifestyle, please visit https://www.ses.id.
For more information, please contact:
Marsha Karindra
Corporate Communications Erajaya Group
Email: marsha.karindra@erajaya.com; talktous@erajaya.com
XPENG PR Department
Email: pr@xiaopeng.com
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