GRE System s Lumissil's CG5317 for Its EV Charging Solutions
MILPITAS, Calif., March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GRE System, a leading provider of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), has chosen Lumissil's CG5317 to enhance the connectivity and performance of its next-generation EV charging solutions. This collaboration strengthens GRE System's ability to deliver efficient, reliable, and future-ready charging infrastructure for the growing EV market.
Lumissil's CG5317 is designed to meet stringent automotive and EVSE requirements, offering compliance with ISO15118 standard, DIN 70121, J3400 and all HomePlug Green PHY requirements. Its advanced capabilities ensure interoperability with every Electric Vehicles (EV) and the highest uptime. Additionally, Lumissil provides development tools to guarantee that customers meet all requirements and build the most efficient, highest-quality products. These features enable seamless communication between EV chargers and EV, ensuring a smarter and more connected charging experience.
“GRE System's commitment to innovation aligns perfectly with our mission to drive next-generation connectivity in the EV industry,” said Nadav Katsir, VP & GM Connectivity Unit at Lumissil. “We are excited to support their advanced EV charging solutions with our CG5317, enabling enhanced performance and seamless integration.”
“Lumissil's technology and expertise have been instrumental in advancing our EVSE solutions,” Seung Uk Lee, CEO at GRE System. “As we continue to expand our charging portfolio, we look forward to working closely with Lumissil to integrate their cutting-edge connectivity solutions into our designs.”
About Lumissil Microsystems
Lumissil Microsystems specializing in analog/mixed-signal products for automotive, communications, industrial, and consumer markets. Lumissil's primary products are LED drivers for low to mid-power RGB color mixing and high-power lighting applications. Other products include audio, sensors, high-speed wire communications, optical networking, and application specific microcontrollers. Lumissil Microsystems has worldwide offices in the US, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Israel, and Korea. Website:
About GRE System
GRE System is a leader in EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) and specializes in real-time power metering and energy data analytics. GRE System's product line covers all AC charging requirements for EV, from 3.5kW CP100 to 7 ~ 11kW CP700 series. The latest CP700P supports ISO 15118-2 AC charging and is being commercially deployed, partnering with Pluglink, a leading CPO (Charge point Operator) in Korea. Learn more at
Lumissil Microsystems:
Raphi Zadicario
GRE System:
Jeong Soo Hwang
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