Synchronoss Unveils Capsyl Cloud at MWC Barcelona – A Turn-Key Personal Cloud Solution for Global Op
Empowering Mobile Operators and Service Providers to Rapidly Launch and Monetize Consumer Cloud Services
BRIDGEWATER, N.J., March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (“Synchronoss”) (NASDAQ: SNCR), a global leader in personal cloud solutions, today introduced Capsyl Cloud™, a new turn-key personal cloud platform designed for mobile operators and broadband service providers worldwide. Capsyl Cloud expands Synchronoss’s cloud portfolio, enabling service providers to launch secure, scalable, and revenue-generating personal cloud services with minimal deployment time.
Synchronoss will showcase live demonstrations of Capsyl Cloud at MWC Barcelona in Executive Suite [3A19EX], providing a first-hand look at how operators can rapidly deploy and monetize branded cloud services.
Capsyl Cloud is a secure, cross-platform personal cloud solution that allows users to store, manage, and protect their digital content across all devices—including photos, videos, documents, audio, contacts, and messages. With seamless integration across smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops, Capsyl Cloud provides a consistent, hassle-free user experience.
Capsyl Cloud goes beyond storage—it leverages AI-powered tools to enhance how users organize, relive, and optimize their digital memories. Advanced AI capabilities include:
- Memories – AI-curated memories that automatically surface meaningful photos and videos.
- Intelligent Search & Organization – AI powered categorization and metadata tagging for effortless content discovery.
- Content Cleanup & Space Saver – Detects duplicates, blurry images, and redundant files to free up storage.
- Genius AI Tools – Enhances images, upscales resolution, restores color, and applies dynamic visual effects.
By integrating these AI-driven capabilities, Capsyl Cloud offers a smarter, more compelling personal cloud experience—helping users engage with their memories in new ways.
Capsyl Cloud has been refined through extensive beta testing since 2022, leveraging the proven technology, scalability, and infrastructure of Synchronoss Personal Cloud—the trusted white-label cloud solution used by service providers, supporting over 11 million users worldwide.
A turn-key platform, Capsyl Cloud requires minimal capital expenditure, allowing service providers to easily deploy a proven, feature-rich, and highly scalable personal cloud solution. It significantly accelerates time to market to introduce a personal cloud solution as a complement to other voice, data, and value-added services. Capsyl Cloud also offers the flexibility to deploy and monetize personal cloud services through tiered storage plans, bundles, freemium and premium offerings.
"Mobile operators worldwide are looking for new ways to differentiate, drive revenue, and enhance customer loyalty," said Jeff Miller, President and CEO of Synchronoss. "Capsyl Cloud provides a powerful, turn-key solution that allows service providers to rapidly launch premium personal cloud services—without the burden of heavy infrastructure investment. As digital content consumption accelerates, we’re excited to help operators capture this growing demand and deliver a seamless, secure cloud experience for users to protect and relive their most treasured moments."
Telkomsel, Indonesia’s largest mobile network operator, is the first to deploy Capsyl Cloud, making this solution available to millions of Telkomsel’s prepaid and post-paid subscribers. Lesley Simpson, VP Digital Lifestyle at Telkomsel, stated, "Telkomsel is always striving to provide a range of cloud solutions that make our customers' daily lives easier. With Capsyl Cloud Storage by Synchronoss, customers can store and manage their photos, videos, and other important content more securely and conveniently. We hope this service will be a practical solution for those who want to ensure their precious memories are well-preserved and can be easily shared at any time."
Following Telkomsel’s successful deployment, Synchronoss anticipates strong demand for Capsyl Cloud in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Operators in these regions are actively seeking revenue-generating cloud services to increase ARPU, reduce churn, and strengthen customer engagement.
Capsyl Cloud adheres to the highest industry standards for data security, privacy, and compliance, ensuring that user content remains protected and accessible across devices.
Learn More:
Capsyl Cloud on Synchronoss:
Official Capsyl Website:
Follow Capsyl Cloud on Social Media:
Instagram: Capsyl_Cloud
LinkedIn: Capsyl Showcase
TikTok: @CapsylCloud
Capsyl Indonesia: Capsyl Indonesia Portal
About Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq: SNCR), a global leader in personal Cloud solutions, empowers service providers to establish secure and meaningful connections with their subscribers. Our SaaS Cloud platform simplifies onboarding processes and fosters subscriber engagement using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and other advanced features, resulting in enhanced revenue streams, reduced expenses, and faster time-to-market. Millions of subscribers trust Synchronoss to safeguard their most cherished memories and important digital content. Explore how our Cloud-focused solutions redefine the way you connect with your digital world at
Media Relations Contact:
Domenick Cilea
Investor Relations Contact:
Brian Denyeau / Ryan Gardella
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