Visa Tap to Phone Adoption Soars: 200% Year-over-Year Growth Worldwide
Visa’s fast-growing, contactless payment solution Tap to Phone helps SMBs get paid, with nearly 30% of sellers popping up as new small businesses
Tap. Pay. Done. This simple, secure, and increasingly mobile action has transformed the shopping experience and unlocked opportunities for small businesses worldwide. Today, Visa announced that Tap to Phone has experienced a 200% increase over the past year, supporting millions of sellers of all sizes. In the highest Tap to Phone countries - the U.S., UK, and Brazil - adoption rates have surged, showing a combined growth rate of 234%1.
Tap to Phone expanded Visa’s tap capabilities with a technology that turns a smartphone into a point-of-sale (POS) device, simply by downloading an app. With nearly 30% of Tap sellers being new small businesses2, this technology is helping to democratize access to commerce tools and empower microsellers and SMBs around the world to start accepting contactless payments by using their NFC-enabled smartphones.
“Tap to Phone is a tech equalizer for businesses. Walk into some of the world’s largest retailers or go to your local farmer’s market and they’re using this same technology to accept payments right on their phone,” said Mark Nelsen, Global Head of Consumer Products, Visa. “People love to tap, so we’re continuing to expand our tap capabilities to create the best payments experiences for people and businesses.”
Empowering SMBs and Microsellers Worldwide
Whether a merchant is popping up at a local market or a major retailer equips employees to assist customers on the floor, Tap to Phone helps businesses of all sizes easily accept payments. Small business owners say Tap to Phone gives them more confidence, makes their operation feel more sophisticated, and helps them grow their businesses.
Ariel Davis, owner of The Brooklyn Teacup, an upcycling business in New York that gives new life to vintage china, says Tap to Phone technology helped her pivot to open an in-person studio for customers. Notably absent from her compact space: a desk, computer setup or register.
“You don't typically couple vintage china and innovation, but in some ways, I feel like a tech startup because we're always trying to figure out what's going to make this experience the best for our customers and the latest technology that will take us there,” said Davis.
Lucas Avelino, owner of the Santa Felicidade restaurant in Brazil, echoes this sentiment: “Adding Tap to Phone capabilities creates a good and fast payment experience for our clients. It brings a sense of technology and innovation to my restaurant.”
In the UK, Reuthe’s evolved from an old woodland nursery into a thriving event space. Under its current ownership, the farm expanded its offerings to include live music events and food festivals. One challenge with the new use of space became clear: how to process payments efficiently across the sprawling 11-acre site. Previously, transactions were limited to fixed payment points, but now by adopting Tap to Phone, the farm has been able to turn every staff member’s phone into a payment terminal.
“We expect overall business growth of 20% this year and Tap to Phone will play a huge role in that,” said Simon Young, Events Manager and Café Owner, Reuthe’s. “It’s transformed the customer experience too, cutting queue times and making purchases effortless. For any small business looking to boost sales and simplify payments, this technology is a no-brainer."
The Future of Tap
This upward trend for Tap to Phone is expected to continue through the next year as more consumers and businesses may begin to recognize the benefits of tap technology and more use cases may hit the market.
For example, Tap to Add Card enables users to add eligible credit or debit cards to their digital wallet by simply tapping a card to their phone. Since Tap to Add Card rolled out globally with Apple Pay in September 2024, it has picked up traction and enabled millions of tokens for more than 100 issuers, helping achieve higher authorization rates and fraud reduction rates. Visa cardholders can add their Visa cards to Apple Wallet faster than ever, with no need to manually input card details.
Visa has also developed Tap to Confirm, which allows consumers to quickly and securely authenticate a high value transfer and Tap to Send and Request money, a feature that allows you to tap your physical card or card credential to a device wallet on a friend’s phone to securely send and receive money quickly and seamlessly. Tap to Send will be available later this year on Samsung Galaxy devices as “Tap to Transfer.”
1 VisaNet FY23-FY24
2 VisaNet FY23-FY24
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