Lantronix Powers Next-Generation AI-Enabled Camera Solutions With Seamless Teledyne FLIR Thermal Int
Advanced Open-Q SoMs Accelerate AI-Powered Visual Navigation in Drones, Robotics and Surveillance Applications
IRVINE, Calif., March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global leader of compute and connectivity for IoT solutions enabling AI Edge Intelligence, today announced a breakthrough in AI-powered camera technology with the seamless integration of its high-performance Open-Q™ System-on-Module (SoM) solutions including hardware and software with Teledyne FLIR's thermal infrared (IR) camera modules and Prism™ embedded software. This integration accelerates the development of next-generation AI-enabled camera solutions in autonomous navigation/drones, surveillance and robotics.
Powered by Lantronix's cutting-edge Open-Q SoMs, based on the Qualcomm Dragonwing™ QRB5165 and QCS8250 processor platforms, this solution delivers unparalleled processing capabilities for AI-driven situational awareness, advanced computational imaging and real-time decision-making. Lantronix's seamless technology integration provides a competitive edge, enabling developers to create high-performance, size-, weight- and power-optimized (SWaP) AI camera solutions that push the boundaries of innovation.
Lantronix at the Forefront of AI Edge Intelligence
“With Lantronix's Open-Q SoMs, developers can confidently build AI-powered solutions knowing they are backed by industry-leading embedded compute technologies that deliver longevity, reliability and continuous innovation,” said Mathi Gurusamy, Chief Strategy Officer at Lantronix. “By integrating with Teledyne FLIR's advanced thermal camera modules, Lantronix provides a turnkey embedded AI solution that maximizes performance while simplifying development and deployment,” he added.
Advanced AI and Thermal Processing
Lantronix's integration of Teledyne FLIR Prism into the Qualcomm Dragonwing QRB5165 and QCS8250 platforms brings advanced thermal image signal processing (ISP) and AI capabilities to edge devices. Key features include:
- Prism ISP: Super resolution, turbulence mitigation, atmospheric obscurant correction, de-noising, image fusion, electronic stabilization, and local contrast enhancement.
- Prism AI: Real-time object detection, motion target indication, and high-speed target tracking at video frame rates.
Lantronix's Open-Q SoMs fully support Teledyne FLIR Hadron™ dual visible-thermal and Boson® thermal camera modules, allowing for simultaneous color and infrared video capture across multiple MIPI-CSI camera interfaces. Key configurations include:
- Hadron Camera: Integrated with the Lantronix Open-Q 8250 SoM, featuring the Dragonwing QCS8250 processor running Android™.
- Boson Camera: Integrated with the Lantronix ultra-compact Open-Q 5165 SoM, leveraging the Dragonwing QRB5165 platform on Linux®.
Teledyne FLIR on the Lantronix Collaboration
“Our collaboration with Lantronix adds flexibility for integrators developing thermal-enabled AI-based platforms,” said Michael Walters, Vice President of Product Management at Teledyne FLIR OEM. “Our SWaP-optimized IR camera modules and ultra-low embedded software processing power simplify thermal management and extend battery life for autonomy applications.”
Lantronix Open-Q 5165: Optimized for AI and Edge Computing
Lantronix's Open-Q 5165 is an ultra-compact (50mm x 29mm), production-ready, pre-certified SoM based on the powerful Dragonwing QRB5165 platform. Features include:
- Qualcomm Spectra™ ISP, Qualcomm® Adreno™ GPU, and Qualcomm® Hexagon™ DSP
- 5th generation Qualcomm® AI Engine, with twice the performance of the previous generation, with up to 15 trillion operations per second
- Wi-Fi 6 connectivity, advanced camera features and many high-speed interfaces
Lantronix will display its SoMs in the Qualcomm Technologies booth at Hall5/5-161 at Embedded World, March 13–15, 2025, in Nuremberg, Germany.
About Lantronix
Lantronix Inc. is a global leader of compute and connectivity IoT solutions that target high-growth markets, including Smart Cities, Enterprise and Transportation. Lantronix's products and services empower companies to succeed in the growing IoT markets by delivering customizable solutions that enable AI Edge Intelligence. Lantronix's advanced solutions include Intelligent Substations infrastructure, Infotainment systems and Video Surveillance, supplemented with advanced Out-of-Band Management (OOB) for Cloud and Edge Computing.
For more information, visit the Lantronix website.
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