PDI Technologies Presents “The Retail Marketeers European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards”
Two-year sponsorship begins in 2025 with inaugural awards honoring outstanding female leaders from across Europe
HAMBURG, Germany and FRANKFURT, Germany, March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On the occasion of International Women’s Day, The Retail Marketeers and PDI Technologies are pleased to announce that PDI Technologies will exclusively present the inaugural European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards. Designed to honor outstanding female leaders from across Europe, these newly established awards will debut in 2025 to recognize excellence in leadership, innovation, and business growth.
The ceremony will take place on December 3, 2025, as part of The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention in Hamburg, Germany, the annual industry gathering for global leaders in the fuel retail sector.
“We are proud to co-launch the first European Female Leaders in Convenience Awards,” explained Dawn Desai, SVP & GM, Enterprise Solutions, at PDI Technologies. “These awards reflect our core values at PDI Technologies. Our global culture fosters diversity and inclusion, and it values courage, curiosity, and collaboration to create an environment that empowers everyone in the industry.”
Christian Warning, owner of The Retail Marketeers GmbH, added, “Together with PDI Technologies, we want to recognize female thought leaders in our still predominantly male-dominated industry and encourage companies to support female talent and promote them into top leadership positions, as PDI Technologies exemplifies.”
In this inaugural year, the honorees will be carefully selected by a panel of industry experts. Additional details will be available in the coming months as the program evolves, including how to attend the event and ceremony.
About The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention
The Retail Marketeers Convenience Leaders Convention is the annual highlight for decision-makers in global convenience retail. On December 2 and 3, 2025, this unique English-speaking industry event in the heart of Hamburg will bring together the leading minds from across the entire value chain for the ninth time. This two-day summit of the petrol station industry will also feature the NACS Convenience Leaders Exchange for the D-A-CH region. NACS President and CEO Henry O. Armour and Christian Warning, NACS Relationship Partner D-A-CH and owner of The Retail Marketeers, will welcome executives from local, national, and multinational convenience retailers in the D-A-CH region.
About PDI Technologies
With 40 years of industry leadership, PDI Technologies, Inc. resides at the intersection of productivity and sales growth, delivering powerful solutions that serve as the backbone of the convenience retail and petroleum wholesale ecosystem. “Connecting Convenience” is our brand promise across the globe, as we empower businesses to increase productivity, make informed decisions, and engage faster with their customers. From large-scale ERP and logistics operations to loyalty programs and cybersecurity, we’re simplifying the industry supply chain for whatever comes next. Today, we serve over 200,000 locations in more than 60 countries and have regional offices in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/ab4f6690-821b-4b45-b3be-95a50862970a
Christian Warning on behalf of The Retail Marketeers GmbH
+49 160 974 42 730
Dimitra Farou | Sr. Manager, Regional Marketing, International
on behalf of PDI Technologies
+49 69 8237 9613
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