Prodezi kicks off construction of first eco-industrial park in Long An
LONG AN, Vietnam, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Prodezi Long An JSC (Prodezi) and Huong Viet Investment Consulting JSC (Huong Viet Holding) have broken ground on the first eco-industrial park in Long An, Vietnam.
With a total investment of $195 million, Prodezi Eco-Industrial Park (Prodezi EIP) is set to become a pioneering eco-industrial park in Long An and one of the largest in the Mekong Delta region. The 400-ha project is expected to set the standard for sustainability by incorporating eco-friendly practices, such as renewable energy, wastewater treatment, recycling, green-certified buildings, and biodiversity conservation.
Under the plan, the eco-industrial park will deploy clean energy sources such as solar power and energy-saving systems to minimize carbon emissions, striving toward carbon neutrality in production. Meanwhile, an advanced wastewater treatment system is installed to recirculate water in manufacturing, reducing resource extraction and environmental pollution. Additionally, the project boasts green-certified buildings that prioritize energy efficiency, eco-friendly materials, and high operational performance.
The first phase subdivision is slated to be completed and handed over to investors by the third quarter of 2025. When put into operation, Prodezi EIP is envisioned as the leading manufacturing hub in the region for industries such as semiconductors, electronics, artificial intelligence, textiles and footwear, food and beverages, and logistics.
Prodezi EIP is situated in a prime location close to the 100-ha LA Home eco-urban area. With state-of-the-art amenities linked with LA Home, the project will form a complete industrial-urban complex, providing a high-quality working environment.

Official start of construction on the first 400-hectare ecological industrial park in Long An province.
In addition, Prodezi EIP boasts an easy and convenient connectivity to HCMC and surrounding provinces thanks to a network of key transport infrastructure like HCMC – Trung Luong Expressway, Ben Luc – Long Thanh Expressway, and National Ring Roads 3 and 4. Businesses can benefit from quick access to airports and seaports, reducing costs and enhancing supply chain efficiency.
The groundbreaking ceremony of the project marks a milestone in the journey of Prodezi and Huong Viet Holding to develop a well-planned eco-industrial park model in line with global sustainability trends.
Prodezi and Huong Viet Holding signed a MOU with prestigious Japanese partners, such as Chitose and Toho Gas, to provide wastewater treatment and gas natural solutions for Prodezi EIP.
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Phone number: +84 819 236 236
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