MDS Global Secures Strategic Partnership with PlatformX Communications (PXC)
MDS Converged Monetisation Platform will power PXC’s ambitious goals
WARRINGTON, United Kingdom, March 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MDS Global, a leading provider of Business Support Systems (BSS) for digital telcos, is delighted to announce a new strategic partnership with PlatformX Communications (PXC), the UK’s leading wholesale provider of connectivity, voice, cloud and security solutions. With this landmark agreement, MDS Global will continue to deliver its industry-leading Converged Monetisation Platform (CMP) as a fully outsourced end-to-end monetisation service to power PXC’s ambitious digital transformation and innovation goals.
Under this partnership, MDS Global’s CMP will serve as the single strategic wholesale billing platform for PXC, supporting their plans to build a powerful altnet aggregation platform while simplifying PXC’s IT infrastructure and merging multiple BSS environments. The platform optimises PXC’s operations and brings process automation to reduce operational costs, power innovation and deliver digital customer experiences.
This partnership is a testament to MDS Global’s track record of delivering value and ensuring effective, trouble-free operations. PXC’s decision to extend this relationship, following a long partnership history, demonstrates their trust in MDS Global’s commitment to align with their strategy and help PXC achieve their ambitious goals.
Phil Haslam, Chief Technology Officer of PXC, said, “Our relationship with MDS Global spans over 2 decades and we are delighted to renew our agreement to further strengthen our partnership. The MDS Converged Monetisation Platform enables us to simplify our technology stack and drive innovation which has been critical in our journey to become the UK's leading wholesale connectivity provider. We look forward to continuing our successful collaboration and achieving new milestones together.”

John Burton, CEO of MDS Global, commented, “We are delighted to extend our long-standing relationship with PXC. MDS Converged Monetisation Platform will not only simplify PXC’s IT architecture, but also drive innovation and efficiency, further underpinning PXC’s leading position in the UK wholesale telecoms market. This partnership highlights our commitment to work closely with our customers to deliver reliable solutions that power growth and digital transformation.”

About PlatformX Communications (PXC)
PlatformX Communications (PXC) is the UK’s leading provider of innovative solutions for connectivity, voice, cloud and security underpinned by the UK’s most robust, secure, resilient and reliable network.
PXC is uniquely positioned with a scaled customer base and diversified fibre infrastructure partners, powered by a national network covering of more than 3,000 exchanges covering 98% of homes and businesses.
Born from the combination of TalkTalk’s wholesale services and national network business with Virtual1, PXC's deep understanding of the issues facing players in the wholesale market equips it to uniquely support all types of businesses.
About MDS Global
MDS Global powers digital telcos for revenue growth, customer delight, and cost reduction. We offer industry-leading Business Support Systems (BSS), including solutions for Monetisation, Customer Experience, eSIM and AI-powered Decision Intelligence designed for B2B, B2C, B2B2X, and IoT business models.
From successful MVNOs like iD Mobile to Tier-1 operators like BT, our highly scalable, cloud-based solutions power MVNOs, MVNEs, Network Operators, and Wholesale Providers across mobile, fixed, and converged services.
Originally a B2B MVNO, we bring 35+ years of billing excellence. Our friendly, international teams are committed to long-term, collaborative partnerships helping our customers succeed. MDS Global is a Lumine Group company (TSXV:LMN)
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Contact for more information
Corine Suscens
Head of Global Marketing
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