Turntide Technologies Awarded on both the World’s Top GreenTech Companies 2025 and America’s Top Gre
Alpharetta, GA, March 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Turntide Technologies has been awarded on both the World’s Top GreenTech Companies 2025 and America’s Top GreenTech Companies 2025 lists. This prestigious award is presented by TIME and Statista Inc., the leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The award lists were announced on March 25th, 2025, and can be viewed on TIME’s website.
Statista ranked the winners based on three evaluation criteria:
- Positive environmental impact: The scoring is based on impact data such as the quality and impact of their product/service portfolio, as well as the expertise of their leadership team provided by HolonIQ
- Financial strength: The scoring is based on the analysis of financial data points e.g., revenue, employee or funding information
- Innovation drive: The scoring is based on the Patent Asset Index featured in LexisNexis® Intellectual Property Solutions
In support of the research, Statista gathered data from company applications, annual reports, media monitoring, and other public sources. Additionally, Statista worked with specialized data partners HolonIQ and LexisNexis® Intellectual Property Solutions to further strengthen the data quality.
Based on the study results, Turntide Technologies is ecstatic to be recognized on both The World’s Top GreenTech Companies 2025 and America’s Top GreenTech Companies 2025 by TIME.
Statista publishes hundreds of worldwide industry rankings and company listings with high-profile media partners. This research and analysis service is based on the success of statista.com, the leading data and business intelligence portal that provides statistics, relevant business data, and various market and consumer studies and surveys.
“This recognition from TIME and Statista underscores the impact of our electrification platform in driving sustainability across industries. At Turntide, we are delivering innovative electric solutions for anything that moves, helping our customers reduce emissions and improve efficiency without compromise. This award is a testament to our team’s dedication to advancing technology that powers a cleaner, more sustainable future.” – Steve Hornyak, CEO, Turntide Technologies
About Turntide Technologies
Turntide Technologies designs and manufactures best-in-class electric motors, power electronics, energy storage, and thermal equipment for anything that moves.
Turntide Technologies operates in North America, the U.K., and India and serves customers in global markets and industries including off highway automotive, commercial vehicles, rail, marine, light vehicles, commercial buildings, and premium automotive.
For more information, visit Turntide at www.turntide.com.
Lori Ditoro Turntide Technologies 205-492-4256 lori.ditoro@turntide.com
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