Reese Witherspoon to keynote Meltwater Summit 2025 with dynamic speaker lineup
The annual two-day event will feature industry leaders from top brands including Microsoft, Yahoo, Heineken, Paramount, and more
SAN FRANCISCO, March 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, a global leader in media, social and consumer intelligence, today announced a lineup of industry-leading speakers for Meltwater Summit 2025. Set against the backdrop of Times Square in New York City, the event returns for its third year on May 6-7 and will be headlined by Reese Witherspoon as the celebrity keynote speaker.
Award-winning actress, producer, entrepreneur, and bestselling author, Witherspoon has mastered the art of storytelling across film, media, and business—turning her passion for authentic narratives into globally recognized brands like Hello Sunshine, Draper James, and Reese’s Book Club. At Meltwater Summit, she’ll share insights on driving impact through storytelling, building meaningful connections through social platforms, developing cohesive multi-channel brand strategies, and scaling women-centric businesses. Her experience embodies this year’s Summit theme, Insights to Impact, offering attendees a unique perspective on transforming data into stories that foster lasting consumer relationships.
Meltwater Summit is a premier two-day event for PR and marketing professionals eager to transform data and insights into impactful strategies. Building on past success with keynote speakers like Ryan Reynolds, Bethenny Frankel and Trevor Noah, Witherspoon will headline this year’s conference that features a diverse lineup of industry leaders from the world’s top brands. Sessions will explore topics such as building brand resilience in a disinformation-driven world, breaking through in today’s crowded media landscape, tapping into social listening for trend forecasting, and mastering AI for PR and Marketing.
Featured speakers at Meltwater Summit 2025 include:
- Barbara Peng, CEO, Business Insider
- Sona Iliffe-Moon, Chief Communications Officer, Yahoo
- Sawyer Hemsley, Co-Founder & Chief Brand Officer, Crumbl
- Melissa Layton, Vice President, Global Communications, Crocs, Inc.
- Stephanie Cohen Glass, Director of Corporate Communications, Microsoft
- Vanessa Mbonu, Vice President of Marketing, NAACP
- Narek Garit, Global Measurement & Analysis Lead, Heineken
- Temeka Easter Rice, Head of Social Media, Vanguard
- John Box, CEO, Meltwater
“Our vision for Meltwater Summit is to build a vibrant community of PR, Comms and Marketing professionals where they can engage in meaningful conversations and share innovative strategies that address the challenges they face every day,” said Jenny Force, Global VP of Demand Generation, Meltwater. “By bringing together the brightest minds in our industry, we’re creating a space for experts to share their knowledge and drive real impact. We are thrilled to have Reese Witherspoon join us, as she exemplifies the transformative power of storytelling and brand authenticity in today’s market.”
Learn more about Meltwater Summit 2025, the agenda, featured speakers, and registration information here:
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello
Corporate Communications Director
About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at
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