Pepperstone Announces Regional Partnership of the AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2023™
MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pepperstone, a globally recognised Forex (FX) and Contracts for Difference (CFD) broker, announces an exciting partnership with the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) as an Official Regional Partner of the AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2023™, which kicked off on 12 January with the eagerly anticipated final scheduled for 10 February 2024.
Mr. Tamas Szabo, CEO of Pepperstone, expressed his excitement about the AFC partnership, stating, "We are thrilled to join forces with the AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2023™, an event that resonates with millions across the region.
"At Pepperstone, we choose to partner with like-minded organisations focused on a shared drive and commitment for success. Like traders, our sports partners are able to find calm in the chaos and seize the opportunities.”
AFC General Secretary Datuk Seri Windsor John said: “The AFC is pleased to welcome Pepperstone as a regional partner of the AFC Asian Cup Qatar 2023™. This partnership underscores the ever-growing prestige of the Continent’s most prestigious men’s tournament, and we thank Pepperstone for their belief in Asian football.”
About the AFC
The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) is the governing body of Asian football and one of the six Confederations making up FIFA. Established in 1954, the AFC is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and comprises 47 Member Associations.
The AFC organises the AFC Asian Cup™, the AFC Women’s Asian Cup™ and the AFC Futsal Asian Cup™ which are the flagship Continental national team football and futsal competitions, while the AFC Champions League™ is the premier competition for Asian clubs, drawing millions of fans to the beautiful game across the length and breadth of the Continent and beyond.
About Pepperstone: Established in 2010, Pepperstone has grown to become an award-winning online global forex and CFD broker known for delivering exceptional client service and withdrawals to tens of thousands of clients around the world. Pepperstone has subsidiaries across the globe and is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec), the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (SCB), the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and The Capital Markets Authority of Kenya (CMA).
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