ResMed's 2024 Global Sleep Survey Uncovers a World in Sleep Crisis
- 36,000 people across 17 markets responded to the company’s fourth annual survey.
- 40% of respondents get no more than three nights of good sleep per week.
- More than one-third of respondents are now actively tracking their sleep patterns, and many are adjusting bedtime routines in an effort to improve sleep quality.
SAN DIEGO, March 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ResMed (NYSE: RMD, ASX: RMD), the global leader in digital health and cloud-connected medical devices that transform care for people with sleep apnea, COPD, and other chronic diseases, today announced the results of its 2024 Global Sleep Survey in conjunction with World Sleep Day (March 15), shedding light on the critical sleep challenges faced by people around the world.
The survey uncovered a staggering number of people suffering from a chronic lack of good sleep, with nearly 40% of respondents getting no more than three nights of good sleep each week – and some individuals reporting just one. Respondents reported feeling excessive daytime sleepiness (50%), negative feelings in the morning (40%) and more irritable (39%).
In its fourth year, the survey is core to ResMed’s Discover Your Sleep Superpowers campaign and this year’s findings are even more comprehensive, with 36,000 participants across 17 markets providing insights on the state of sleep around the world.
A world in sleep crisis*
- Across the surveyed population, only 13% of respondents reported sleeping well every night. People in Japan (57%) topped the list for the number of poor nights’ sleep each week while people in India were the most rested with 27% saying they sleep well every night.
- Over half of our respondents used a digital device before going to bed, whether to scroll through social media (53%), watch TV (44%) or catch up on news (31%).
- When asked about what was keeping them awake, the top reasons that emerged were personal anxiety (36%), insomnia (25%), breathing difficulties (15%), and obesity (13%).
- Even after falling asleep, 3 in 10 respondents reported being unable to stay asleep without being woken up. People in the UK (44%) and France (42%) experienced the most disruption to their sleep while respondents from India (42%) and Thailand (41%) were most likely to fall and stay asleep the entire night.
- Among female respondents who are perimenopausal or menopausal, 56% suffer from disturbed sleep, with women in Ireland and Australia being the most affected. In both countries, 3 in 4 women that are perimenopausal or menopausal said they suffer from disturbed sleep.
Discover your sleep superpowers
- The top three benefits experienced by respondents after a night of good sleep were improved concentration (50%), increased productivity (51%) and improved mental health (44%).
- Nearly 9 in 10 respondents also said that good sleep benefits them physically while 83% agree that good sleep enables them to be more creative.
- People are also becoming more curious about how they sleep, with 36% of respondents tracking their sleep either through a smartphone app (44%) or wearable (31%).
“With sleep being the third pillar of health, alongside diet and exercise, prioritizing your sleep is one of the most effective ways to improve your overall health,” said Carlos, M. Nunez. M.D., ResMed Chief Medical Officer. “With over 936 million people around the world affected by sleep apnea1, it is concerning to learn that 40% of the people we surveyed get no more than three good nights of sleep a week. Poor sleep can be an indicator of conditions such as insomnia and sleep apnea, so this World Sleep Day we want to empower people to take charge of their sleep health and have conversations with their healthcare provider.”
Among survey respondents, 57% claim they are aware of sleep apnea, a chronic disease in which the muscles of the throat relax to the point of collapse, restricting airflow and causing the sufferer to stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night. Notably, however, only 26% of those respondents have been diagnosed.
To learn more about ResMed’s 2024 Global Sleep Survey or for help identifying if you have symptoms that could indicate poor sleep health, visit
Survey Methodology
The 2024 ResMed Global Sleep Survey included a total of 36,000 respondents across 17 markets including Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and USA, between December 2023 and January 2024.
About ResMed
At ResMed we pioneer innovative solutions that treat and keep people out of the hospital, empowering them to live healthier, higher-quality lives. Our digital health technologies and cloud-connected medical devices transform care for people with sleep apnea, COPD, and other chronic diseases. Our comprehensive out-of-hospital software platforms support the professionals and caregivers who help people stay healthy in the home or care setting of their choice. By enabling better care, we improve quality of life, reduce the impact of chronic disease, and lower costs for consumers and healthcare systems in more than 140 countries. To learn more, visit and follow @ResMed.
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1 Benjafield A et al. Lancet Respir Med 2019)
*Based on 36,000 respondents across 17 markets surveyed as part of the ResMed 2024 Global Sleep Survey between December 2023 and January 2024
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