OPEN Health Appoints Steven Duryee as Chief Operating and Transformation Officer
London, Jan. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- January 22, 2024, London, UK – OPEN Health is pleased to announce the appointment of Steven Duryee as Chief Operating and Transformation Officer. In this role, Steve will be responsible for the execution of the strategic plan, large-scale transformation initiatives, driving growth in the US, and evolving OPEN Health’s go-to-market strategy.
An experienced executive with over 30 years of expertise in the health and life sciences industries, Steve has held executive leadership positions at TriRadial Solutions, Meditrial, Wipro LLC, Synchronoss Technologies, Dell Enterprises, Capgemini, and Ciber Global. In addition to Steve’s proficiency in business development, operations, and technology, he has a proven track record in scaling and maturing business capabilities while growing global business revenue and operating profit in an accelerated manner.
Steve’s dedication to excellence, his strategic vision, and his commitment to fostering a collaborative and innovative culture align perfectly with OPEN Health’s values.
“I believe that Steve’s leadership will be instrumental in driving operational efficiency, fostering cross-functional collaboration, and ensuring that we continue to deliver the highest-quality services to our clients. I am confident that his expertise will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of OPEN Health,” said Rob Barker, Chief Executive Officer of OPEN Health.
“OPEN Health has established an exceptional reputation as a healthcare agency and consulting business built on the skills and capabilities of its high-performing life sciences professionals,” said Steve. “I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work alongside such a talented group of people who care deeply about making a meaningful impact on health outcomes and patient well-being. I’m looking forward to getting to work and collaborating with these teams to accelerate our growth, increase our scale, and deliver differentiated value to the clients we serve.”
About OPEN Health
OPEN Health unites deep scientific knowledge with wide-ranging specialist expertise to unlock possibilities that improve health outcomes and patient well-being. Working in partnership with our clients, we embrace our different perspectives and strengths to deliver fresh thinking and solutions that make a difference. OPEN Health is a flexible global organization that solves complex healthcare challenges across consulting, HEOR and market access, scientific communications, patient engagement, and creative omnichannel communications. To learn more, visit
About OPEN Health
OPEN Health unites deep scientific knowledge with wide-ranging specialist expertise to unlock possibilities that improve health outcomes and patient well-being. Working in partnership with our clients, we embrace our different perspectives and strengths to deliver fresh thinking and solutions that make a difference. OPEN Health is a flexible global organization that solves complex healthcare challenges across consulting, HEOR and market access, scientific communications, patient engagement, and creative omnichannel communications. To learn more, visit
Candice Subero
OPEN Health
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