Lumanity Reorganizes and Expands Strategic Consulting Capabilities
Lumanity Reorganizes and Expands Strategic Consulting Capabilities
Realigning global, clinical, regulatory, medical, and commercial consulting expertise to facilitate life science clients’ complex commercialization journey
Boston, MA., January 22, 2024 – Lumanity, a global strategic services partner, is realigning its strategic consulting capabilities to help clients more effectively create and demonstrate the value of assets throughout the development and commercialization lifecycle.
Lumanity acquired Clarion, a Boston-based life science consultancy, in October 2022. Clarion is now rebranding under Lumanity. In addition, Lumanity is realigning its Commercial, Medical Affairs, and Clinical and Regulatory Strategy teams into a single global Strategy Consulting capability.
Lumanity’s Strategy Consulting team helps clients identify and create value inflection points for their assets and organizations throughout the product lifecycle. These inflection points occur at critical investment and execution milestones that ultimately determine the success of a product in the marketplace. The creation of this new Strategy Consulting team best leverages Lumanity’s unique and diverse set of deeply experienced strategists, data luminaries, subject matter experts, and proven problem solvers.
“For our clients to navigate the journey from discovery to patient they must facilitate the alignment and exchange of expertise across a broad set of cross-functional experts,” said Jon Williams, the CEO of Lumanity. “When we bring unique combinations of our cross-functional experts together, we can partner with our clients to help bring their own teams closer together, resulting in better decision making and innovative, best-fit solutions with far greater impact.”
The Strategy Consulting team regularly draws on Lumanity’s broader capabilities and expertise in the areas of value demonstration, health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), market access, medical communications, insight, and real-world evidence to assemble and deploy solutions that support the strategic visions of client assets and help demonstrate the value created for all stakeholders.
“Successful value creation for today’s complex assets requires assessment of multiple indication choices, alternative development paths, asset profiles, and clearly defined data requirements often demanded by a broad and global set of clinical, payer, and patient stakeholders. By re-aligning our Strategy Consulting teams under common leadership, we are able to leverage the essential expertise to deliver powerful insights regarding how best to shape each asset and organization for success in the markets of tomorrow,” stated Tom Murtagh, co-founder of Clarion and Joint Global President of Strategy Consulting of Lumanity.
Lumanity’s Strategy Consulting team now consists of over 250 consultants based in the US, UK, and EU. For more information on Lumanity’s strategic consulting capabilities, visit its website.
About Lumanity
Lumanity is a global strategic services partner built to effectively blend deep scientific, clinical, medical, regulatory, and commercial expertise to support complex client decision-making and execution throughout the asset value creation and demonstration journey. Lumanity powers successful commercialization and empowers patients, providers, payers, and regulators to take timely and decisive action to accelerate and optimize access to medical advances. With offices in North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia, and work conducted in over 50 countries, its 1,100+ experts work with nearly all the top pharmaceutical and more than 100 biotech companies around the world. Turning aspiration into reality, Lumanity supports over 50 payer submissions across 20+ countries, launch readiness and commercialization of 80 brands and new indications, and numerous award-winning product campaigns every year. For more information, please visit and connect with Lumanity on Twitter and LinkedIn
CONTACT for Lumanity:
Peter Marangos
+1 702 776 0985 /
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