Zoom announces communications compliance solution, Zoom Compliance Manager
Zoom Compliance Manager provides a single integrated platform for risk and compliance management, data governance, and information protection across the Zoom platform, powered by Theta Lake
SAN JOSE, Calif., March 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced the launch of Zoom Compliance Manager, an all-in-one offering that provides archiving, eDiscovery, legal hold, and information protection capabilities to help organizations fulfill regulatory requirements and mitigate organizational communications compliance risks across the Zoom platform.
“Zoom currently provides compliance and information protection for enterprise customers within regulated industries like financial services, healthcare, and the public sector through integrations with key communications compliance providers,” said Ritu Mukherjee, head of Product Business Acceleration and Readiness at Zoom. “With Zoom Compliance Manager, we are making it easy for our customers to have an end-to-end experience — seamless buying, easy setup, centralized management, and simplified support — with a comprehensive solution that addresses their communications compliance needs across the Zoom platform.”
Addressing Customer Needs
Organizations today face increasingly stringent regulatory requirements and communications compliance risks both internally and externally, which can result in hefty fines, legal liabilities, and reputation damage. This underscores the critical need for robust compliance solutions that help organizations navigate these challenges. Zoom Compliance Manager powered by Theta Lake allows you to confidently use Zoom while maintaining regulatory requirements.
Key features of Zoom Compliance Manager include:
- Archiving and Content Capture: Maximize your Zoom usage and meet regulatory and long-term record retention requirements with automatic capture for meetings data, AI summaries, phone recordings, team chat, whiteboard content, and more.
- eDiscovery: Discover insights across the Zoom platform via a user-friendly interface, facilitating easy access to communication archives and offering the ability to analyze, evaluate, and effortlessly export content.
- Legal Hold: Capture and hold communications of specific individuals and manage cases through custom workflow, case management, and data export requests when legally mandated.
A future version of Zoom Compliance Manager will include:
- Risk Detection: Monitor and detect spoken, written, or shared content at scale across supported products using intelligent detection which identify regulatory, privacy, conduct, and security risks in what was said, shown, and shared to mitigate risks.
- Data Loss Prevention: Identify and mitigate potential risks in your communication workflows using both custom and pre-defined policies through monitoring and thorough analysis.
Zoom Compliance Manager provides compliance capabilities across the Zoom platform, including AI Companion, Meetings, Team Chat, Phone, Whiteboard, Rooms, Webinars, Events, and Contact Center. Zoom Compliance Manager is available as an add-on to Zoom customers with a paid plan.
Support for other Zoom products, including Workvivo, Zoom Revenue Accelerator, Mail, Calendar, and others, will be coming later this year.
Leveraging Theta Lake as a Leader in Compliance and Security
Zoom Compliance Manager integrates the proven compliance solution from Theta Lake, a leader in digital communications governance providing modern communication compliance and security solutions. Through Zoom-specific enhancements, customers will have the compliance benefits of Theta Lake with a frictionless Zoom experience via the administrator console.
“Our expanded compliance and security capabilities for Zoom, along with the ability to use Theta Lake technology, represents a significant milestone in our partnership,” said Anthony Cresci, SVP of GTM and Partnerships at Theta Lake. “With this new offering we are able to provide organizations with seamless and efficient access to communication and collaboration capabilities that have compliance record keeping, archiving, search, supervision, and data protection built in. I am incredibly proud of expanding the value and innovation that our partnership has delivered to our joint customers.”
Experience the Solution
Attendees of Enterprise Connect, taking place March 25-28, are encouraged to visit the Zoom booth (#407) and the Theta Lake booth (#2026). To experience a live demo of Zoom Compliance Manager, visit the Zoom booth on March 26 at 5:30 p.m. EST.
For more information, please visit the Zoom Compliance Manager landing page at https://click.zoom.us/compliance-manager
About Zoom
Zoom is an all-in-one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at zoom.com.
Zoom Public Relations
Travis Isaman
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