EEW partners with Grupo COBRA Australia to develop a 200 MWdc Solar Farm plus 50MW BESS
LONDON, March 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - EEW Eco Energy World (“EEW”), an independent global pure-play renewable energy projects developer, has announced a partnership to develop a 200 MWdc solar PV farm plus 50 MW BESS (battery energy storage system) project with Grupo COBRA, a reputable global industrial and energy services group. The project, located in Queensland, Australia, is set to reach ready-to-build status within 2024.
The solar plus BESS project, once completed, will generate clean and sustainable energy in excess of 400 GWh annually, sufficient to power approximately 72,500 households. This will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 260,000 metric tons per year, equivalent to permanently taking around 93,000 cars off the road.
"We are pleased to announce the collaboration on this project with Grupo COBRA; we have a long successful presence in Australia, and this is one of the projects out of our multi-GW pipeline in the country, which matures currently," said Svante Kumlin, CEO of EEW. "This project is a testament to our commitment to provide innovative and sustainable energy for Australia; we are proud to be part of the Queensland energy transition since 2015."
"We are excited to be working with EEW on this project," said José Antonio Fernández García, Managing Director - Energy and Industrial Plants COBRA IS. "This partnership is a clear indication of our commitment to accelerating the transition to a low-carbon future."
About Grupo Cobra
The COBRA Group boasts a strong track record in the development and construction of infrastructure and renewable energy projects worldwide. They have initially entered the Australian market with a significant energy transition project that will revolutionise the conventional mode of energy generation and supply in the state of New South Wales. Now, they are expanding their footprint with an investment in Queensland, partnering with EEW to further their presence in the region.
About Eco Energy World
EEW Eco Energy World (“EEW”) was established by entrepreneur Svante Kumlin. It stands as a prominent independent group dedicated to developing renewable energy projects on a global scale. Historically, EEW has concentrated on the development of large scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects. However, the company has recently expanded its focus to include solar projects coupled with battery energy storage systems (BESS). Moreover, EEW has spun off a new entity, EEW H2, to focus on developing green Hydrogen in Australia and Africa.
Since 2012, EEW has successfully sold 22 solar PV projects totalling approximately 1.4 GW in the UK, Australia, Spain and Sweden. The group now has a global solar project pipeline of approximately 10.1 GW spanning Europe, Australia and America. Headquartered in London, EEW has established assets in key locations such as the UK, Spain, Sweden, Australia, Italy and the US.
For further information, please visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
EEW Eco Energy World
Svante Kumlin, Chief Executive Officer -
John Palmer, Managing Director APAC -
Investor Relations -
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