The most global Alimentaria&Hostelco confirms the strength of the food industry and its innovati
BARCELONA, Spain, March 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alimentaria&Hostelco, the leading trade show platform for the food, beverage, foodservice and hospitality equipment industry, closed yesterday an edition marked by international participation and business that has once again brought together the entire sector and advanced the industry's main lines and trends. More sustainable and healthier products, as well as AI and robotics solutions for the Horeca channel have been presented from 18 to 21 March at the event celebrated in Barcelona (Spain).
Over 3,200 exhibiting companies from 68 countries took part in the event, to encourage business, internationalization and competitiveness in strategic sectors for the Spanish economy. Around 107,900 professionals had visited the show, 25% of them international, from 120 countries. With an estimated economic impact of 180 million euros, the figures for d'Alimentaria&Hostelco reflect the strength of the event, which occupied nearly 100,000 m2 of net exhibition space, almost all of Fira de Barcelona's Gran Vía venue.
This edition was attended by more than 900 international firms, led by Italian companies, and with a remarkable return of Asian companies, especially China, South Korea and Thailand.
The trade show reaffirmed its leadership by strengthening the complementarity of its represented sectors and offering a great business platform for its professionals. Attendees included 2,200 important buyers invited from strategic markets for the export of food and hospitality equipment, such as the European Union, the USA and Latin America, who took part in some 13,500 meetings with companies.
Food innovation, gastronomy and the rise of protein, as well as the latest trends in the hospitality sector, were the main features of the program of more than 350 activities at Alimentaria&Hostelco, in which nearly 700 prestigious experts and chefs took part.
The show was a great showcase for hundreds of innovations, including functional and healthier foods. The digital transformation that the sector is undergoing has also been confirmed and it has been possible to discover how new technologies and artificial intelligence are integrated into the industry and services with robots and new solutions that optimize restaurant management and resources, maintenance, customer service and sustainability.
The next edition of the trade fair platform organized by Fira de Barcelona will be held from 23 to 26 March 2026.
Press contacts:
Susana Santamaria – Gloria Dilluvio –
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