At the Yacht Club de Monaco the Explorer Awards ceremony
At the Yacht Club de Monaco the Explorer Awards ceremony
Awarding the owners who stand out for their commitment to protecting the marine environment.
MONACO, March 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Awarding the owners who stand out for their commitment to protecting the marine environment. It is the aim of the YCM Explorer Awards by La Belle Classe Superyachts that were handed out at a ceremony held at the Yacht Club de Monaco on Thursday 20th March after an environmental symposium dedicated to exploration, as part of the activities planned for the Ocean Week and under the aegis of the collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach. Organised under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II, since 2019 it is awarded by a jury of professionals. Attending the event there were the prince of Monaco Albert II and many famous explorers such as Mike Horn, Bertrand Piccard, Nina Lanza, Kathryn Sullivan and Victor Vescovo. A large delegation of the New York based Explorers Club also took part in the event.
Four awards were handed out: Technology & Innovation went to the 25 meter ‘Cachalote’ who also got a four star Sea Index certificate for sustainability: “I’m moved because we dreamt about a ship that we had never seen before. The construction of it considered many elements such as the culture of our ancestors, the impact of nature and sustainability,” said owner Francisca Cortés Solari. The Science & Discovery went to 68 meter Archimedes: “I feel very lucky to have gone to so many places yet I feel like we’re just scratching the surface and coming to understand what the problems are. I feel very surpised that we won the award. I thought that we might be a candidate but never thought that we could win.” The Adventure & Environmental Ethics award went to 49 meter motor yacht ‘Gigi’: “I got a little emotional up there on the stage. From the beginning of this project we wanted to be different. Just to be invited to speak here it’s the confirmation that we’re doing it right. To get this tonight, I’m just speechless didn't expect it,” said owner Carl Allen. A special ‘Coup de Cœur’ prize was handed out to 47 meter motor yacht ‘Latitude’. Picking up the prize was captain Sean Meagher on behalf of the owner Anil Thadani: “We just won the Explorer award at the Yacht Club de Monaco in combination with the Monaco Yacht Club and the New York Explorers Club and I am a member of both and honored to be here.”
The awards are a way of promoting men and women who are true explorers, perpetuating YCM’s fundamental Art de Vivre la Mer values.
Earlier in the week the inauguration ceremony of the first Explorer Dock also took place. The seven yachts displayed on the quey of the Club, M/Y Beyond Capricorn,M/Y Prometej, M/Y Audace,M/Y King Benji, S/Y NDS Evolution,M/Y U Boat NavigatorandM/Y Santandrea, represented a combinationof passion for adventure and innovation.
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