Annual Anaqua Data Report Finds 2023 Patent Grant Volume Holds Steady
Analysis of USPTO IP data indicates continued innovation among US-based and global companies
BOSTON, Jan. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Anaqua, the leading innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announced its annual analysis of USPTO data using its advanced AcclaimIP patent analytics software. The analysis found that patent grants grew nearly one-half of one percent to 348,774 in 2023, marking a slight increase compared to 347,408 patents in 2022 placing US grants above pre-2019 levels.
Most Innovative Companies
Samsung Electronics leads the most innovative companies list, calculated by the number of granted patents, with 10,043 US grants (an 8% increase from 2022) in technology areas like data indexing schemes, electronic advertising technology, electronics related to renewable energy generation, organic electric solid-state devices, and plural semiconductor manufacturing.
The other top five most innovative companies were IBM with 4,003 granted patents, Qualcomm with 3,852, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company with 3,442 and LG Corp with 3,319 granted patents.
Most Innovative Countries
US-based companies led all countries for the total number of granted US patents at 162,557, an 18% increase from 2022, with companies in the APAC region continuing to be well represented in the top five list of countries with US-granted patents. According to the data, Japan is in second place (40,960), followed by China (28,979) and South Korea (24,073). In fifth place is Germany, the leading European country, with 13,905 grants.
Top Innovation Areas
The top technology fields based on the most granted patents include semiconductor technology for the second year in a row, followed by virtual reality (VR), 5G, artificial intelligence (AI) and software technology related to unauthorized user detection. The rest of the top ten list includes program control unit, medical related, wireless, chemicals and chemistry related (appearing for the first time in the top ten), and network security technologies.
In examining AI-related US grants, the top inventive areas include machine learning models, general neural network development, neural networks combination technology, neural networks for image and video recognition and neural network training using backpropagation processes. The top assignees who received US granted patents in AI in 2023 were IBM, Samsung Electronics, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon.
Shayne Phillips, Director, Analytics Solutions, AcclaimIP, said, “Our annual patent report examining the USPTO’s data shows a resilience and a consistency amongst the inventive community and companies seeking to protect their innovations. The analysis points to continued global innovation despite economic uncertainty and volatility.”
“We are honored to support many of the most innovative companies across the globe develop and manage their intellectual property to make better, strategic decisions about their business,” said Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua. “Our AcclaimIP solution helps customers search over 150 million patents to analyze intellectual property (IP) to determine patentability and assess the competitive patent landscape, ultimately to translate powerful patent analytics into business success.”
Download Anaqua’s infographic to review the full data here. To learn more about Anaqua’s AcclaimIP solution, visit
The data for this report was analyzed by Anaqua’s patent search and analytics software tool AcclaimIP, leveraging public patent information from the USPTO. The metric used to determine innovative organizations is patent applications published and granted applications over a 12-month period between December 1, 2022 and November 30, 2023.
About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX® and PATTSY WAVE®, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment’s need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For additional information, please visit, or on Anaqua's LinkedIn.
Company Contact:
Amanda Glagolev
Director, Communications
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