Teledyne FLIR IIS announces a new modular and compact USB3 machine vision camera series
The Dragonfly S series combines Teledyne’s expertise in USB and experience delivering embedded camera solutions for industries ranging from life science instrumentation to factory automation.
RICHMOND, British Columbia, Jan. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne FLIR IIS (formerly Point Grey Research), industry pioneer of the area scan USB concept, is pleased to introduce the new Dragonfly® S USB3 camera series to its machine vision portfolio. The new series is a result of Teledyne’s constant commitment to set and enhance vision industry standards for customer success. It addresses the market’s essential need for a modular, compact, and lightweight camera for at-scale manufacturing, volume-based applications, and multi-camera systems.
Dragonfly S has a modular design to accelerate the inception stage of imaging application development for a diverse range of industrial and non-industrial segments. “This is a first-of-its-kind practical option for factory automation and embedded vision-based device manufacturers,” said Sadiq Panjwani, General Manager at Teledyne FLIR IIS. “The modular concept of the new camera empowers engineers to quickly test, develop, and deliver competitive vision products to market at scale.”
The camera series is ideal for embedded or handheld device applications such as biometrics kiosk solutions, ophthalmoscopy, 3D scanning, automated optical inspection, and more. It is available in multiple configurations, from board-level to a fully-enclosed module in a ruggedized aluminum case. The USB connector is offered in a rear or side orientation with screw-in locking mechanism. These modular options provide maximum flexibility and durability, allowing seamless integration in tight spaces. The cased models are Class B EMC safety compliant as mitigating electromagnetic interference is critical for healthcare and residential applications. Additionally, an onboard image buffer ensures that every captured image frame is reliably transferred to the host CPU.
The first of its series Dragonfly S is now available for pre-order. Additional model releases from VGA to 8MP are planned for 2024. For more information, visit our website.
Visit the Teledyne booth (#327) at SPIE Photonics West 2024 (January 30 - February 1, 2024) for a first look at the new Dragonfly S area scan camera.
About Teledyne FLIR IIS
Teledyne FLIR IIS (Integrated Imaging Solutions), a Teledyne Technologies company, designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes industrial-grade technologies that enhance productivity and development. The company provides innovative sensing solutions through machine vision, spherical imaging, and stereo-imaging technologies. Teledyne FLIR IIS offers a diversified portfolio that serves a wide variety of applications in industrial, medical, geospatial, and advanced robotics markets. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Farhad Kazi, Marketing Communications Specialist
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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