AV-Comparatives presents the TOP Cybersecurity Vendors for 2024 - Antivirus Test
In an era when digital threats are constantly multiplying and evolving, it’s more important than ever to find security products that can keep up with them. A myriad of options is available, all of which make great claims about their own effectiveness. It can be hard to work your way through all of the different antivirus and other security programs on offer.
Recognizing this need for clarity, AV-Comparatives is proud to present the "IT Security Products Overview”. This provides an at-a-glance guide to current security-software manufacturers who hold a certificate from AV-Comparatives assuring effective products for Microsoft Windows, in both home-user and enterprise categories. This is a valuable aid to negotiating the maze of security products, and finding a reputable product that is right for your needs.
Recommended antivirus products for enterprise users 2024:
Avast, Bitdefender, Checkpoint, Cisco, Crowdstrike, Elastic, ESET, G Data, K7, Kaspersky, Microsoft, Palo Alto, Sophos, Trellix, Vipre, VMware
A detailed overview how the enterprise endpoint protection antivirus products performed in a 365 long term av-test can be found here:
For EDR and XDR solutions please look here:
Recommended antivirus products for consumer users 2024:
Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, ESET, G Data, Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, TotalAV, Total Defense
A detailed overview how the consumer antivirus products performed in a 365 long term av-test can be found here:
AV-Comparatives has been conducting industry-leading, rigorous independent tests of antivirus and other security software for over 20 years. For both consumer and business products, the Austrian institute conducts a Main-Test Series. To check the all-round effectiveness of the solutions, four separate tests are conducted. These cover protection against Internet-based threats, protection against malicious programs on external drives and network shares, false alarms, and impact on system speed. An Endpoint Prevention and Response (EPR) Test is also conducted for applicable enterprise products.
AV-Comparatives invites IT-Security vendors to its certification Process. https://www.av-comparatives.org/contact/
AV-Comparatives believe that staying informed about the latest advancements in IT security is crucial for adapting to the ever-changing threat landscape, and its IT Security Products Overview is provided to guide on that journey. For those seeking more details of certified products, AV-Comparatives’ website offers detailed reports of all the individual tests and the respective results achieved by each of the tested products. These can further assist in finding the right product.
Tests of security products for other platforms such as Mac and Android, and other product types such as VPNs, are also provided by AV-Comparatives. Again, detailed test reports can be found on the institute’s website. AV-Comparatives remains committed to providing valuable insights and resources to empower individuals and businesses in their pursuit of robust cybersecurity. https://www.av-comparatives.org/enterprise/
AV-Comparatives is an independent organisation offering systematic testing to examine the efficacy of security software products and mobile security solutions. Using one of the largest sample collection systems worldwide, it has created a real-world environment for truly accurate testing. AV-Comparatives offers freely accessible av-test results to individuals, news organisations and scientific institutions. Certification by AV-Comparatives provides a globally recognised official seal of approval for software performance.
Contact: https://www.av-comparatives.org/de/contact/
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