BlueCat announces new capabilities to help organizations modernize their network infrastructure
Enhanced and expanded offerings provide flexibility and control to manage, secure, and build complex, multicloud networks
TORONTO, March 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BlueCat Networks, a leading provider of core services for network infrastructure management, automation, and security, announced the availability of exciting new capabilities across its expanded portfolio.
“Organizations need to modernize their networks or risk falling behind,” said Stephen Devito, CEO of BlueCat. “Our 2023 acquisitions of Indeni and Men&Mice, along with expanded investments in our Integrity and Edge solutions, provide organizations with the flexibility and control necessary to manage, build on, and secure their networks so they can achieve their goals.”
An integrated and authoritative DDI platform
DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (collectively known as DDI) are the cornerstones of network modernization. Together, they ensure that users can access network resources and applications from anywhere and on any device–whether on premises or from any cloud. Integrity is an integrated and authoritative DDI software and hardware management platform proven at scale with the most demanding enterprise customers.
Integrity’s newest release introduces support for new DNS record types, improving the time to service for clients and applications, while dynamic deployment of DHCP reservations accelerates automation. Organizations can now create redundant and flexible multi-primary DNS architectures to ensure uninterrupted network operations in the event of an outage. And Integrity delivers advanced API capabilities to improve integration between Integrity and third-party applications (such as ServiceNow or Terraform).
Furthermore, Quick Service is a new Adaptive Application for Integrity that simplifies daily tasks for network users with limited DDI expertise. It allows network admins to provide role-based access control, enabling selected users to quickly perform key DDI tasks while reducing the risk of unlimited access to the DDI platform. For example, selected users can add a subzone, a host record, or an alias record, all while preventing the deletion of these records.
Multicloud network management and security
Edge is BlueCat’s intelligent DNS resolver and caching layer that provides unprecedented visibility and control over DNS traffic hosted in any environment. Edge can help security teams leverage DNS data to detect—and protect against—DNS tunneling, DNS hijacking, and domain generation algorithm attacks on the network.
Edge now offers expanded support for all BlueCat hardware server models in a standalone service mode and platform support for Nutanix. BlueCat’s support for Nutanix offers more choice for customers who want to avoid vendor lock-in for their virtual or hyperconverged platforms.
Network orchestration and IP address management
Acquired from Men&Mice in 2023, Micetro offers a network orchestration and IP address management solution for organizations that require an overlay with their existing DNS and DHCP infrastructure. Our newest Micetro release improves support for third-party DNS and DHCP solutions by providing flexible deployment and management control to maintain network uptime.
Micetro can also be optionally bundled with dedicated appliances. This allows admins to extend their Micetro environment with the robustness and reliability of a purpose-built protocol service DNS/DHCP appliance.
Network observability and health
The result of BlueCat’s acquisition of Indeni, BlueCat Infrastructure Assurance predicts, identifies, and auto-triages issues in your network firewalls and DDI environment. It codifies community and multiple vendor-sourced fault detection data to proactively alert network and security teams and provide recommended actionable remediation steps.
The most recent release of Infrastructure Assurance introduces an enhanced analytics dashboard, which helps users identify problematic devices faster. It also includes new automation to help predict and resolve potential hardware and software faults for BlueCat Integrity, Broadcom Symantec, Check Point Secure Gateways, and Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls.
Transforming network infrastructure management
These enhanced product capabilities and portfolio expansions help network, DevOps, and security teams deliver shared network capabilities that are fast, flexible, reliable, and secure. A 2023 Enterprise Management Associates report found that a BlueCat DDI implementation could earn customers $1.5 million in additional financial benefits within the first year.
“Our customers are realizing the benefits of transforming their network infrastructure from an inflexible utility to one that’s optimized for change,” said Devito.
About BlueCat
BlueCat provides core services and solutions that help our customers and their teams deliver change-ready networks. With BlueCat, organizations can build reliable, secure, and agile mission-critical networks that can support transformation initiatives such as cloud adoption and automation. BlueCat’s growing portfolio includes services and solutions for automated and unified DDI management, network security, multicloud management, and network observability and health. BlueCat’s DDI management platform was recognized as a market leader and outperformer in GigaOm’s 2022 and 2023 Radar reports. The company is headquartered in Toronto and New York and has additional offices in Germany, Iceland, Japan, Singapore, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. Learn more at
Pierre Hamilton
Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
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