KFSH&RC Celebrates 25 Scientists Named in Stanford's Top 2% Most-Cited Researchers Worldwid
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre honored 25 scientists who joined Stanford University's prestigious list, marking them among the 'top 2% most-cited scientists' list updated in October 2023.
The recent release recognizes 25 distinguished KFSH&RC scientists, among the top 2% most-cited researchers worldwide in 2021-2022, and acknowledges their overall career accomplishments. This prestigious recognition celebrates the outstanding contributions and impact of KFSH&RC researchers on the global scientific stage, highlighting KFSH&RC's steady commitment to advancing healthcare through novel research. It elevates its international reputation as a pioneer hub for innovative research.
His Excellency Dr. Majid Al Fayyadh, Chief Executive Officer, KFSH&RC, stated: "We are incredibly proud of this recognition, a testament to our firm commitment to advancing healthcare through cutting-edge research and innovation at home and beyond. This new milestone reflects the dedication and expertise of our exceptional team of scientists and medical professionals who continually push the boundaries of knowledge. At KFSH&RC, we remain dedicated to our mission to shape the future of healthcare and contribute to global advancements in the field."
Renowned for its annual compilation, Stanford University highlights the remarkable achievements of scientists whose research has reaped the highest citations in international and scientific journals. The university unveils a list featuring 180,000 researchers representing the top 2% of most-cited scientists globally each year. This compilation covers 22 research fields and 176 subfields, utilizing citation metrics from the Scopus database.
KFSH&RC extends heartfelt congratulations to researchers recognized for the year 2021-2022. Each scientist left an indelible mark in various medical fields. Their contributions exemplify KFSH&RC's commitment to excellence and leadership in healthcare innovation.
This recognition further enhances KFSH&RC's reputation as a holistic healthcare hub, highlighting its dedication to building a resilient healthcare system through continuous research and advancement, in line with Vision 2030.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/11e5bca6-007a-405e-8eb7-ea79910ca705
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