Global Africa Business Initiative announces plans for Unstoppable Africa 2024 flagship event in New
New York, United States of America, April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Building on the resounding success of its flagship event Unstoppable Africa in 2022 and 2023, the Global Africa Business Initiative (GABI) is pleased to announce its plan to convene leaders from business, government and the United Nations in 2024.
Unstoppable Africa will return to Cipriani’s in New York on 25 and 26 September 2024 on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.
In addition, the United Nations Global Compact which coordinates GABI on behalf of the UN system, plans to engage with business leaders at the Africa CEO Forum in Kigali, Rwanda on 16-17 May and at the African Union mid-year coordination meeting on 18 July in Accra, Ghana.
“Now in its third year, the Global Africa Business Initiative is maturing into a year-round private sector-led initiative. GABI is a platform that puts Africa in its rightful place at the heart of the global economy, and positions the continent as the premier destination for business, trade and investment,” said Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the United Nations Global Compact.
Under the leadership of UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed, GABI aims to reposition Africa as a business destination and opportunity for investment on the global stage while also contributing towards the African Union Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Unstoppable Africa 2024 aims to greatly exceed the success of last year’s event, which saw more than 3,000 in-person and online attendees engaging in two days of discussions, solutions, and actions. Attendees included six Heads of State, dozens of business and UN leaders, investors, financial experts, as well as athletes and artists meeting around the themes of Energy Access and Energy Transition, Inclusive Growth and Trade, and Digital Transformation.
According to the Unstoppable Africa 2023 Executive Summary, notable outcomes included:
- Ghana’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions and generating 400,000 jobs by 2060, and a $550 billion Energy Transition and Investment Plan to lead in sustainable energy and job creation.
- The African Development Bank’s partnership with Google to establish a Center of Excellence for coding in Africa, enhancing digital literacy and empowering African youth.
- The Democratic Republic of Congo’s major strides in the electric vehicle and battery industries, establishing a 1,000-hectare space in Kolwezi with special economic zone status to become a significant player in these value chains.
- The International Trade Center’s (ITC) invitation to businesses to join the SheTrades network, a platform promoting women’s economic empowerment that has impacted over 200,000 women entrepreneurs since 2015.
- The United Nations Development Programme’s announcement of ‘Timbuktoo’, the world’s largest private-public sector initiative to transform Africa through a new venture financing model that recognizes the fundamental role of startup ecosystems.
Registration and speakers for Unstoppable Africa 2024 will be announced in July. In the meantime, view the video highlights of the 2023 event here. For more information on the Global Africa Business Initiative, visit the website.
Media Enquiries:
United Nations Global Compact
(212) 907-1301
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