KFSH&RC Welcomes Dr. Björn Zoéga as New Deputy CEO
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Björn Zoéga as Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective 01 April 2024. This strategic move is set to accelerate KFSH&RC's aspiration of becoming a leading healthcare institution on the global stage, leveraging Dr. Zoéga's notable career and proven track record of leadership in top-tier medical institutions.
As the former CEO of the internationally renowned Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden, Dr. Zoéga played a pivotal role in upholding the institution’s high standards and global recognition as the second highest rated among European hospitals and seventh best worldwide according to Newsweek’s ranking of the World’s Best Hospitals 2024. His administration at Karolinska was marked by innovative strategies and excellence in healthcare delivery—all which he is posed to enrich within KFSH&RC.
Dr. Zoéga brings decades of healthcare management and clinical expertise to KFSH&RC, having spearheaded operations as CEO of the National University Hospital of Iceland and the Stockholm Spine Center. His experience and faculties in research and education are also invaluable, given his former roles as President and Board Chairman of the EU-Cervical Spine Research Society and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of Alvotech.
As Deputy CEO, Dr. Zoéga will serve as chief lead of KFSH&RC’s healthcare delivery and research and innovation groups, following on the hospital’s commitment to integrating global best practices in healthcare and pursuing cutting-edge medical research and technology.
KFSH&RC extends its invitation to the community, partners, and stakeholders to welcome Dr. Björn Zoéga, as the institution embarks on a promising new chapter in healthcare, committed to fostering a brighter and healthier future for all.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Media Affairs Acting Head, 0555254429
Mr. Abdullah Al-Awn, Senior Media Editor, 0556294232
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6a2fb3b5-9219-4e72-82fd-8f093f22996e
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