HYCU® Earns Premier 5-Star Rating in 2024 CRN® Partner Program Guide
New Support for Leading SaaS Applications and Cloud Services with R-Cloud Highlight 5-Star Status for Fourth Consecutive Year
Boston, Massachusetts, April 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - HYCU, Inc., a leader in data protection as a service and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, has been recognized by CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, with a prestigious 5-Star Award in its 2024 Partner Program Guide. This annual guide provides essential information to solution providers exploring technology vendor partner programs that offer high value and align with their business needs and goals.
The breadth and depth of support and resources technology vendors offer through their partner programs is a critical consideration for solution providers assessing which IT vendors, service providers, and distributors to team with in building world-class technology solutions. Program elements such as financial incentives, sales and marketing assistance, training and certification, technical support and more can set vendors apart and play a key role in boosting their partners’ long-term growth.
The 5-Star rating is awarded to the companies that have built their partner programs to go above and beyond in their commitment to nurturing strong, profitable, and successful channel partnerships.
For the 2024 Partner Program Guide, CRN evaluated vendors based on program requirements and offerings such as partner training and education, pre- and post-sales support, marketing programs and resources, technical support, and communication.
This is the fourth consecutive year that the HYCU Global Partner Program was awarded 5-star status. The HYCU Global Partner Program was enhanced with the introduction of R-Cloud, and R-Graph, a first of its kind tool that provides partners with a new revenue stream to visualize their customers entire data estate across on-prem, cloud, and SaaS applications. Additionally, HYCU delivered specific certification and training to help partners with their go-to-market efforts to meet their customers ongoing data protection and recovery challenges.
“HYCU is 100% focused on delivering innovative solutions to help our partners protect their customer’s data regardless of location or platform,” said Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU, Inc. “With the growing adoption of SaaS solutions across organizations and with more than 50% of SaaS application use contributing to the success of ransomware attacks, the need to protect and be able to recover SaaS application data has never been greater. The enhancements we introduced with our Global Partner Program over the past year like R-Graph was extremely well received. Achieving 5-Star status for the fourth consecutive year is a testament to the work and focus everyone at HYCU has with our partner community. Thank you again to the editors and judges who evaluated our partner program, we are proud and excited at yet another illustrious industry accolade.”
“Recognition on this list reflects the value of the spotlighted vendor partner programs and their commitment to evolving with solution providers and supporting IT channel success,” said Jennifer Follett, VP, U.S. Content and Executive Editor, CRN, at The Channel Company. “This recognition empowers solution providers to discover vendors that keep pace with the evolving requirements of their business and their clients. With CRN’s 2024 Partner Program Guide, solution providers can access deep insights into the unique strengths of each partner program and vendors who demonstrate dedication to their partner community.”
The 2024 Partner Program Guide will be featured in the April 2024 issue of CRN and online at www.CRN.com/PPG.
“All of us at HYCU work diligently to help our partners tap into net new recurring revenue streams by delivering new capabilities to secure, protect and manage more data sources than any other vendor across all platforms,” said Angela Heindl-Schober, SVP Global Marketing, HYCU. “Our focus in 2024 is around partner enablement, recruiting new strategic partners for cloud, on-prem, and SaaS environments, and continuing to support being the only SaaS Data Protection Service available across all three Public Cloud Marketplaces, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. We will also advance the successful programs created in 2023 for specific SaaS partners Atlassian and Okta for their partners to create net new revenue opportunities.”
For more information on the HYCU Global Partner Program, visit: Become a HYCU Partner, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
About HYCU
HYCU is the fastest-growing leader in the multi-cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS-based data backup and recovery to on-premises, cloud-native and SaaS environments, the company provides unparalleled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. As an award-winning and recognized visionary in the industry, HYCU solutions eliminate complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy-based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make the world safer. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, customers experience frictionless, cost-effective data protection, anywhere, everywhere. HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at www.hycu.com.
About The Channel Company
The Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As the channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology suppliers, solution providers and end users. Backed by nearly 40 years of unequalled channel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever-evolving challenges in the technology marketplace. www.thechannelcompany.com
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© 2024 The Channel Company, Inc. CRN is a registered trademark of The Channel Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Don Jennings
HYCU, Inc.
Kristin DaSilva
The Channel Company
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