SK hynix announces semiconductor advanced packaging investment in Purdue Research Park
The company's facility for AI memory chips marks the largest single economic development in the history of the state
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind., April 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - SK hynix Inc. announced Wednesday (April 3) that it plans to invest close to $4 billion to build an advanced packaging fabrication and R&D facility for AI products in the Purdue Research Park. The development of a critical link in the U.S. semiconductor supply chain in West Lafayette marks a giant leap forward in the industry and the state.
“We are excited to build a state-of-the-art advanced packaging facility in Indiana,” said SK hynix CEO Kwak Noh-Jung. “We believe this project will lay the foundation for a new Silicon Heartland, a semiconductor ecosystem centered in the Midwest Triangle. This facility will create local, high-paying jobs and produce AI memory chips with unmatched capabilities, so that America can onshore more of its critical chip supply chain. We are grateful for the support of Gov. Holcomb and the state of Indiana, of President Chiang at Purdue University, and of the broader community involved, and we look forward to expanding our partnership in the long run.”
SK hynix joins Bayer, imec, MediaTek, Rolls-Royce, Saab and many more national and international companies bringing innovation to America's heartland. The new facility — home to an advanced semiconductor packaging production line that will mass-produce next-generation high-bandwidth memory, or HBM, chips, the critical component of graphic processing units that train AI systems such as ChatGPT — is expected to provide more than a thousand new employment opportunities in the Greater Lafayette community. The company plans to begin mass production in the second half of 2028.
The project marks SK hynix’s intention for long-term investment and partnership in Greater Lafayette. The company’s decision-making framework prioritizes both profit and social responsibility while promoting ethical actions and accountability. From infrastructure developments that make accessing amenities easier to community empowerment projects such as skill development and mentorship, the SK hynix advanced packaging fabrication marks a new era of collaborative growth.
“Indiana is a global leader in innovating and producing the products that will power our future economy, and today’s news is proof positive of that fact,” said Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb. “I’m so proud to officially welcome SK hynix to Indiana, and we’re confident this new partnership will enhance the Lafayette-West Lafayette region, Purdue University and the state of Indiana for the long term. This new semiconductor innovation and packaging plant not only reaffirms the state’s role in the hard-tech sector, but is also another tremendous step forward in advancing U.S. innovation and national security, putting Hoosiers at the forefront of national and global advancements.”
Investment in the Midwest and Indiana was spurred by Purdue’s excellence in discovery and innovation and its track record of exceptional R&D and talent development through collaboration. Partnerships among Purdue, the corporate sector, and the state and federal government are essential to advancing the U.S. semiconductor industry and establishing the region as the Silicon Heartland.
“SK hynix is the global pioneer and dominant market leader in memory chips for AI,” Purdue President Mung Chiang said. “This transformational investment reflects our state and university’s tremendous strength in semiconductors, hardware AI and development of the Hard-Tech Corridor. It is also a monumental moment for completing the supply chain of the digital economy in our country through the advanced packaging of chips. Located at Purdue Research Park, the largest facility of its kind at a U.S. university will grow and succeed through innovation.”
In 1990 the U.S. was producing nearly 40% of the world’s semiconductors. However, as manufacturing moved to Southeast Asia and China, the U.S. global output of semiconductor manufacturing has fallen to closer to 12%.
“SK hynix will soon be a household name in Indiana,” said U.S. Sen. Todd Young. “This incredible investment demonstrates their confidence in Hoosier workers, and I’m excited to welcome them to our state. The CHIPS and Science Act opened a door that Indiana has been able to sprint through, and companies like SK hynix are helping to build our high-tech future.”
To aid in bringing semiconductor manufacturing closer to home and shoring up global supply chains, the U.S. Congress introduced the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America Act, or CHIPS and Science Act, on June 11, 2020. Signed by President Joe Biden on Aug. 9, 2022, it funds holistic development of the semiconductor industry to the tune of $280 billion. It supports the nation's research and development, manufacturing, and supply chain security of semiconductors.
“When President Biden signed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, he put a stake in the ground and sent a signal to the world that the United States cares about semiconductor manufacturing,” said Arati Prabhakar, President Biden’s chief science and technology advisor and director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. “Today’s announcement will strengthen the economy and national security, and it will create good jobs that support families. This is how we do big things in America.”
Purdue Research Park, one of the largest university-affiliated incubation complexes in the country, unites discovery and delivery with easy access to Purdue faculty experts in the semiconductor field, highly sought-after graduates prepared to work in the industry, and vast Purdue research resources. The park also offers convenient accessibility for workforce and semitruck traffic, with access to I-65 just minutes away.
This historic announcement is the next step in Purdue University’s persistent pursuit of semiconductor excellence as part of the Purdue Computes initiative. Recent announcements include these
- Purdue University Comprehensive Semiconductors and Microelectronics Program
- A strategic partnership with Dassault Systèmes to improve, accelerate and transform semiconductor workforce development
- European technology leader imec opens innovation hub at Purdue
- The nation’s first comprehensive Semiconductor Degrees Program
- Purdue continues to create unique lab-to-fab ecosystem for the state and country
- Green2Gold, a collaboration between Ivy Tech Community College and Purdue University to grow Indiana’s engineering workforce
What they’re saying
- “This decision by a world-renowned, best-in-class company represents a dramatic fulfillment of Purdue’s duty to serve the state as not only its premier academic institution but also its No. 1 economic asset. It’s also a gratifying validation of our Discovery Park District initiative to bring new opportunities to our students, faculty and Greater Lafayette neighbors. Today marks the Purdue ecosystem’s latest and greatest, but assuredly not its last, contribution to a more prosperous Indiana and a stronger America.” — Mitch Daniels, chairman of the board, Purdue Research Foundation
- “On behalf of my fellow trustees, we are pleased to welcome SK hynix Inc. to the Purdue Research Park. Their arrival will significantly strengthen Purdue University’s dual commitments to educating the next generation of workforce leaders in semiconductors and supporting the national security of our nation.” — Michael Berghoff, chair, Purdue Board of Trustees
- “The impact of SK hynix is more than the creation of high-paying careers for Hoosiers. Undergraduates will have opportunities for internships, co-op and full-time employment when they graduate. Graduate students and faculty will work closely with SK hynix researchers, not only on basic research, but also to accelerate the transition of research into pilot production and manufacturing. This is just the beginning. As other companies see what’s happening here in the heart of the heartland, they’ll come too, and a significant new cluster of semiconductor manufacturing and research will emerge.” — Mark Lundstrom, chief semiconductor officer, Purdue University
- “West Lafayette is thrilled to join our national efforts to bring the semiconductor industry to the United States through President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act. This partnership will leverage Purdue University’s science and research expertise with SK hynix’s innovation in semiconductor technology. The impact on West Lafayette will enable us to continue to provide the high level of service our community expects and to increase our quality-of-life amenities for the region so we can attract and retain the excellent graduates of Purdue University. In addition, SK hynix’s global dedication to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, water process reduction and recycling, and zero-waste-to-landfill programs aligns with our community’s commitment to environmental stewardship. We are grateful for SK hynix’s investment and commitment to West Lafayette and for our partners Purdue University, Purdue Research Foundation, the city of Lafayette, Tippecanoe County and the Greater Lafayette region.” — Erin Easter, mayor of West Lafayette
- “The pandemic disruption has shown the reliance on semiconductors, with production concentrated in limited regions around the world. Greater Lafayette has worked continuously and cooperatively for years to position ourselves for an opportunity of this magnitude, and we look forward to the long-term economic impact this will have on our communities. The collaborative efforts between cities and county governments, Purdue University, the state of Indiana and Sen. Todd Young’s office is a testament to these efforts. Our joint investments in infrastructure, innovation, along with quality-of-life initiatives, have contributed to this venture becoming a reality. We look forward to working with and welcoming SK hynix to Greater Lafayette!” — Tony Roswarski, mayor of Lafayette
- “Ivy Tech, as Indiana’s largest postsecondary institution, is focused on building Indiana talent pipelines aligned to employers and emerging industries which strengthen Indiana’s economy. The microelectronics industry will play a key role in Indiana’s success, which is why we are pleased to work with SK hynix and Purdue to provide training, credentials and degrees designed for the semiconductor industry. SK hynix’s commitment to Indiana reinforces that we all win when we address complex issues through strong partnerships." — Sue Ellspermann, president, Ivy Tech Community College
- “Semiconductors and microelectronics are at the forefront of focus for Purdue Research Foundation. I am pleased to welcome SK hynix to Indiana and start the hard work of ensuring this is the best business decision that SK hynix has ever made.” — Brian Edelman, president, Purdue Research Foundation
- “The Alliances team is thrilled to welcome SK hynix to the Purdue ecosystem, and we look forward to empowering them to thrive here in Indiana with all the immense assets Purdue and Greater Lafayette offer. We look forward to forging a strong relationship with mutual value for SK hynix, Purdue Research Foundation and the broader Greater Lafayette community for many years to come.” — Gregory Deason, senior vice president of alliances and placemaking, Purdue Research Foundation
- “During my time at Purdue Research Foundation, we have consistently been successful in assisting our partners like Saab in developing complex builds well ahead of schedule and within budget. I look forward to building on our excellent track record with SK hynix to help them in creating a state-of-the-art facility which best meets their unique needs.” — Richard Michal, senior vice president of capital projects and facilities, Purdue Research Foundation
About SK hynix Inc.
SK hynix Inc., headquartered in Korea, is the world’s top-tier semiconductor supplier offering Dynamic Random Access Memory chips (“DRAM”), flash memory chips (“NAND flash”) and CMOS Image Sensors (“CIS”) for a wide range of distinguished customers globally. The Company’s shares are traded on the Korea Exchange, and the Global Depository shares are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Further information about SK hynix is available at,
About Purdue Research Foundation
Purdue Research Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation created to advance the mission of Purdue University. Established in 1930, the foundation accepts gifts, administers trusts, funds scholarships and grants, acquires and sells property, protects and licenses Purdue's intellectual property, and supports creating Purdue-connected startups on behalf of Purdue. The foundation operates Purdue Innovates, which includes the Office of Technology Commercialization, Incubator and Ventures. The foundation manages the Purdue Research Park, Discovery Park District, Purdue Technology Centers and Purdue for Life Foundation.
For more information on licensing a Purdue innovation, contact the Office of Technology Commercialization at For more information about involvement and investment opportunities in startups based on a Purdue innovation, contact Purdue Innovates at
About Purdue University
Purdue University is a public research institution demonstrating excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the new Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, and Purdue Computes — at
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