Matmerize, Inc. and CJ Biomaterials Partner to Utilize Innovative AI Technology to Advance Sustainab
ATLANTA, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Matmerize, Inc., a pioneering AI-based polymer informatics company, and CJ Biomaterials, a division of South Korea-based CJ CheilJedang and a primary producer of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolymers, have joined forces to drive innovation in sustainable polymer solutions aimed at combating plastic pollution. In a recent collaboration with Matmerize, CJ Biomaterials successfully tested Matmerize's cloud-based AI platform, PolymRize™, to optimize bio-based polymers, ensuring they meet specific performance criteria across a wide range of applications.
Human life and plastic have become inseparable, but the environmental toll of plastic waste is undeniable. With more than 9 million tons of man-made plastic waste entering the ocean each year, the urgency to find sustainable alternatives has never been greater. In response to this challenge, CJ Biomaterials created PHACT, a groundbreaking 100% bio-based Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) using an innovative fermentation process, that degrades naturally in soil and ocean environments, mitigating the harmful impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems.
One of the key challenges in materials development is the lengthy and resource-intensive process of characterizing core properties. By leveraging Matmerize's custom model training and predictive analytics platform PolymRize™, CJ Biomaterials was able to rapidly estimate the performance of newly designed materials, enabling quicker decision-making and reducing time and costs compared to traditional methods.
For more information on the innovative PolymRize™ platform please visit:
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
"The collaboration with CJ Biomaterials goes beyond R&D efforts, significantly impacting work efficiency and cost reduction by prioritizing experiments through expertise and machine learning capabilities. This commitment to innovation not only promotes sustainable practices but also secures a competitive advantage for CJ Biomaterials in the polymer and plastic industry." – Dr. Chiho Kim, CTO, Matmerize, Inc
As Matmerize, Inc and CJ Biomaterials continue to push the boundaries of innovation in polymer development, the companies remain dedicated to driving positive environmental change and shaping a greener, sustainable future for generations to come.
About Matmerize:
Matmerize, a spin-out from the Georgia Institute of Technology, is at the forefront of pioneering solutions that bridge the gap between AI and materials engineering. Matmerize’s PolymRize™ platform utilizes virtual screening and AI algorithms to identify the most optimal materials, empowering technologists to focus their experimental efforts on the most promising options with precision and efficiency. This approach significantly accelerates the materials engineering process saving valuable time and resources. PolymRize™ represents a paradigm shift in industry, propelling clients ahead of the competition and driving innovation at an unprecedented pace.
About CJ Biomaterials:
Headquartered in Woburn, MA, USA, CJ Biomaterials develops meaningful solutions that positively affect our planet, human health, and well-being by addressing the challenges posed by plastic waste. The company invents and manufactures biopolymers and bio-based chemicals as part of a long-term vision to create a more sustainable future, by enabling true circular solutions that replace many non-recyclable, non-reusable and fossil fuel-based plastics and chemicals. CJ Biomaterials is a global leader in the manufacture of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)–both polymers and associated basic chemicals. CJ Biomaterials, a business unit of CJ BIO, is part of CJ CheilJedang, a global lifestyle company with a vision to inspire a new life filled with health, happiness, and convenience.
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CJ Biomaterials:
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