Summit Communications Powers the Future of Connectivity in Bangladesh with 400G Solutions from Junip
Juniper's converged optical routing solutions deliver scalability and performance, revolutionizing space, power and cost efficiency for the service provider
DHAKA, Bangladesh -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Juniper Networks® (NYSE:JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that Summit Communications, a leading end-to-end infrastructure service provider in Bangladesh, has selected its PTX Series Routers for 400G Converged Optical Routing solution upgrades to serve as the foundation of Summit's core network. This will enable seamless network capacity expansion and efficient delivery of enhanced connectivity over hundreds of kilometers to various points of presence (PoPs) across the country.
Over the past decade, Bangladesh has undergone significant digitization and is now home to an emerging digital economy with over 66.94 million internet users. To accelerate this transformation further, the country's Government has announced its vision of "Digital Bangladesh," aimed at establishing a robust foundation for its digital economy. In support of this vision, Summit Communications has been instrumental in shaping the country's networking landscape, notably constructing the largest fiber optic network infrastructure in the country.
With demand for mobile, internet and digital services continuing to soar, Summit Communications recognized the need to pioneer the adoption of innovative networking solutions to meet current and future connectivity demands. Building on a long-term relationship spanning over a decade, Summit partnered with Juniper for the next phase of their network transformation journey into 400G.
To enable a seamless transition to a Converged Optical Routing Architecture while improving its core network's scalability, capacity and power efficiency, Summit Communications selected Juniper's PTX10000 Series Packet Transport Routers. Equipped with 400G Coherent Optics, these routers will enable Summit's network to achieve high-speed data transmission over long distances to its PoPs in Bangladesh while maintaining high reliability.
As Summit Communications progresses through its networking transformation journey with Juniper's solutions, it will be in a strong position to meet its customers' requirements, offering a superior end-user experience and top-tier performance in Bangladesh's rapidly expanding digital economy.
Supporting Quotes:
“We have made tremendous progress over the years in delivering the high-quality networking infrastructure services to mobile operators and ISP customers in Bangladesh and are excited to strengthen our relationship with Juniper, particularly in integrating innovative 5G solutions. Their solutions will continue to play an integral role in our network, ensuring that we provide cutting-edge 5G connectivity and services for our customers guaranteeing fast, reliable, ultra-low latency services along with adaptation of network slicing and segment routing. Through our partnership, we look forward to supporting our country’s Digital Bangladesh vision.”
- Arif Al Islam, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Summit Communications Ltd.
“At Summit, one of our key goals is to lead the way in network innovation. Juniper’s 400G solutions will empower us to establish a more robust foundation, delivering the performance, scalability and operational efficiencies essential to our network. We are confident that a Juniper-powered network will enable us to continue providing best-in-class services that connect Bangladesh with the world, as well as contributing to the development of a digitally inclusive society in which everyone has access to cutting-edge services.”
- Md. Farrukh Imtiaz, Chief Network Architect, Summit Communications Ltd.
“For years, Juniper has been a foundational presence in Bangladesh's networking landscape through our partnership with Summit Communications, and we are honored to join them on the next phase of their network transformation journey. With our experience-first solutions, we remain committed to providing the technology needed to support their goals and meet the ever-evolving connectivity demands of businesses and consumers for years to come."
- Sajan Paul, Managing Director & Country Manager, India & SAARC, Juniper Networks
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Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks ( or connect with Juniper on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
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