ThreatLocker® Unveils New Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Service with the World
Global cybersecurity leader extends platform utility beyond default deny with new MDR services
Orlando, FL, April 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThreatLocker®, a pioneer in least privilege endpoint protection technologies, announced the launch of their MDR service with the Cyber Hero Team at Zero Trust World 2024.
"I'm elated about the ThreatLocker® Cyber Hero managed detection and response service," said Danny Jenkins, CEO & Co-Founder of ThreatLocker®.
"Not only will this provide customers with a faster response when they don't have 24-hour operation centers, but it also means that we are improving our product in a way that allows us to be responsible for so many customers and the management of their environments."
ThreatLocker® understands the importance of preemptively blocking cybersecurity threats with a default deny baseline. Adding detection and response capabilities allows customers to stay secure while alerting them of suspicious or potentially malicious activity happening in their environment.
Products including Allowlisting, Ringfencing™, and Network Control in the ThreatLocker® Endpoint Protection Platform block attempted bad actions on a device, and ThreatLocker® Detect (formerly known as ThreatLocker® Ops) will alert organizations of said attempts. The MDR service is made possible by the near-instant response of the ThreatLocker® Cyber Hero Team when they directly notify a customer of a malicious attempt and ensure the security of their infrastructure.
In addition to providing a prompt notification via the Cyber Hero Support Team, ThreatLocker® Detect policies can be curated to completely isolate a machine from the rest of the environment or go as far as implementing an advanced lockdown to stop all software and network traffic from running.
In a live demonstration at Zero Trust World 2024, ThreatLocker® showcased the response speed of the Cyber Hero Team in locking down a machine after an attacker connected to a remote server, tried to run IP Scanning tools, and attempted to disable security tools.
The attacker was challenged with a QR code. When they didn't respond and continued taking additional bad actions, such as attempting to disable ThreatLocker® service, the attacker's attempts were thwarted with ThreatLocker® default deny, and the machine was locked down. The Cyber Heroes responded within a minute during the live presentation.
The new additions by ThreatLocker® satisfy cyber insurance regulations on implementing Zero Trust MDR strategies to prevent modern-day attacks.
ThreatLocker® will roll out its new products to new and existing partners. It currently protects over one million endpoints globally.
Spencer Ford
ThreatLocker Inc.
+1 (689) 217-4246
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