Heineken® Celebrates Historic Irish Pubs With Virtual Museums Launch
AMSTERDAM, April 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Irish pub stands tall among cultural icons, revered locally and globally for their unparalleled social atmospheres. Recognised as the beating heart of Ireland's social scene, where stories and conversations resound within their walls. Heineken wants to shine a light on their importance by opening virtual “Pub Museums” across Ireland.
This innovative campaign from Heineken® aims to safeguard historical Irish pubs, advocating for their transformation into museums. Heineken® has partnered with three distinguished Irish pubs to pioneer the virtual Pub Museum experience. Patrons can now embark on a digital journey through time, exploring the rich history and stories told within these beloved establishments. By scanning a QR code on historical artefacts within the pubs, visitors can unlock a trove of historical facts and stories. Beginning with Toners Pub in Dublin on 5th April, followed by the oldest pub in the world; Sean’s Bar in Athlone on 11th April and Mother Macs in Limerick on 18th April.
Heineken® is exploring how these pubs can apply for official Museum accreditation via The Heritage Council in a bid to have them formally recognised as museums. This would offer more opportunities and resources for Irish pubs. By supporting pubs in a bid to become an official museum, Heineken® aims to preserve pub culture and the future of socialising. The Pub Museum campaign complements the Vintners’ Federation of Ireland bid for UNESCO to formally recognise traditional pubs as key elements of Ireland's intangible cultural heritage, highlighting the pub's role in social interaction, music, storytelling and as custodians of local traditions and history.
Rachael Crawley, Heineken Ireland commented: “Pubs in Ireland play a pivotal role in Irish society and culture, and have done for generations. As a partner of pubs across the country, we’ve launched the Pub Museums initiative as a way to highlight the historical importance of Irish pubs, and act as a reminder of the importance of these establishments in the fabric of Irish society.”
Speaking about the initiative, Dublin-based Historian Gerry Farrell commented: “Few buildings or businesses maintain the same function over the span of centuries. A visit to a historic public house is a connection back to our own past where generations before, people gathered to talk, drink, eat, sing and play, to flirt and romance, to discuss the great events of the day and set the world to right, to cheer sporting triumph or to drown their sorrows. Irish pubs have been the site for rebellion and betrayal, settings for great literature and places of very real drama. It’s important to protect and preserve our historic pubs so that they can continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.”
Gina O’Kelly, Director, Irish Museums Association added: “One of the most interesting aspects of collections is the stories they tell. Objects found within commercial environments, such as our heritage bars and shops, often provide fascinating insights into the daily lives of those from our recent past and their environment: they can reveal information around societal norms, trade activities, the socioeconomic landscape and development of an area, as well as local rituals and cultural practices.
Within the Irish Museums Association, we work with many community or volunteer-led organisations that hold collections of this nature and have a deep appreciation of the significance of the objects they hold, particularly within their communities. These serve as tangible reflections of our social history and, through them, we can ground and interconnect our everyday experiences with the layered history of our surroundings, the local communities that inhabit them, and their heritage. Efforts to enhance their preservation, interpretation and display – thereby making them more publicly accessible – acknowledge their importance and are warmly welcomed.”
Editorial information:
Please find the high-resolution campaign images and video here
For more information, please contact: HNKNBrand@edelman.com
HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken® brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long-term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through "Brewing a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business.
HEINEKEN has a well-balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY).
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1b72f442-8d2e-46e6-ba0a-1ff6f01c2731
A video accompanying this announcement is available at
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