Bright Peak Therapeutics Presents New Data at the 2024 American Association for Cancer Research (AAC
BPT567, a first-in-class PD1-IL18 immunoconjugate designed to enable cis-signaling and preferentially activate intratumoral PD1+IL18R+ effector T cells induces potent preclinical antitumor activity
SAN DIEGO and BASEL, Switzerland, April 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bright Peak Therapeutics, a biotechnology company developing multifunctional immunotherapies for cancer and autoimmune disease, today announced the presentation of new data characterizing the mechanisms of action, and potent preclinical antitumor activity of BPT567, a cis-signaling, PD1-IL18 immunoconjugate, at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting being held on April 4-10, 2024, in San Diego, CA.
Bright Peak has leveraged its world-class protein engineering capabilities to functionally optimize the master cytokine IL-18, by creating an IL-18 binding protein-resistant molecule and integrating it with PD-1 checkpoint blockade to create BPT567, a first-in-class PD1-IL18 immunoconjugate. Antibody-cytokine conjugates leverage orthogonal mechanisms of action (MoA) in one molecule to induce potent antitumor immune responses. PD-1-targeting conjugates are of particular interest since they may preferentially target antigen-experienced PD-1+ CD8+ T cells enriched in the tumor microenvironment (TME) while simultaneously blocking the PD-(L)1 pathway and inducing potent cytokine receptor stimulation in the same CD8+ T cell in cis (cis-signaling).
“BPT567 is designed to coordinately engage antigen-experienced Teff cells that are known to co-express both PD-1 and the IL-18 receptor. These T-cells have been reported to be highly cytotoxic and enriched in the tumor microenvironment, and as a PD1-IL18 immunoconjugate, BPT567 is designed uniquely to target these cells,” said Jon Wigginton, M.D., President of Research and Development of Bright Peak Therapeutics.
Dr. Wigginton continued “Characterization of the biological activity of BPT567 in preclinical tumor models has demonstrated that BPT567 indeed can more selectively target the potent proinflammatory effects of IL-18 to the tumor, with more limited activation of immune cells in the periphery. It is anticipated that this profile could ultimately contribute to an improved risk-benefit profile for BPT567 in the clinical setting”.
Details regarding the AACR abstract presentations are as follows:
April 09, 2024, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM (PDT)
Poster 4071: The first-in-class PD1-IL18 conjugate BPT567 induces potent anti-tumor immunity by preferentially activating PD1+IL18R+ intratumoral effector T cells in cis
The poster will be made available for viewing on Bright Peak’s website upon presentation at the AACR 2024 Annual Meeting (
Key Abstract Highlights:
- BPT567 is designed to preferentially target antigen-experienced PD-1+ CD8+ T cells found to be enriched in the tumor microenvironment
- BPT567 provides simultaneous blockade of the PD-(L)1 pathway and potent induction of IL-18 receptor stimulation in the same CD8+ T cell in cis (cis-signaling)
- Engagement of a low number of PD-1 and IL-18 receptors by BPT567 is fully sufficient to induce maximum IFNg release in PD-1+ cells
- BPT567 exhibits strong anti-tumor efficacy at significantly lower relative IL-18 doses compared to the administration of an untargeted Ab-IL-18 conjugate and an anti-PD-1 Ab given in combination
About Bright Peak Therapeutics
Bright Peak Therapeutics is a biotechnology company advancing a portfolio of multifunctional immunotherapies for the treatment of patients with cancer and autoimmune disease. We accomplish this by leveraging our world class protein engineering capabilities and our unique cell-free technology platform to chemically synthesize and conjugate novel protein therapeutics that reflect state-of-the-art insights into cytokine and immune checkpoint biology. Our pipeline stretches from discovery to IND-enabling and encompasses antibody-cytokine conjugates and other novel formats. Bright Peak is based in Basel, Switzerland and Del Mar, CA and is funded by a syndicate of leading healthcare investors.
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