Assignment 01
Deadline: 1 1 : 5 9 P M , April 11, 2024
A medical prescription for corticoids after the kidney transplant has a degressive
dose. The doctors make this prescription by hand computing the dates and hand it to
the patient as a text.
We want to help the doctors make this process automatic.
Here is how is the prescription made:
1. Start with a dose of 1 milligram for every kilogram of the patient's weight, rounded to
the nearest multiple of 5. Maintain this dose for 21 days.
2. Afterwards, decrease the dose by 5 milligrams each week until reaching 30
milligrams. Stay on the 30 milligram dose for 21 days.
3. Then decrease by 2.5 milligrams every 5 days until reaching 15 milligrams.
4. Reduce the dose by 1 milligram every 10 days until reaching 0.
5. Stop the treatment at dose zero.
Your task is as follows:
1. Write a program which will ask the user to enter the initial date of the treatment, the
weight of the patient and the name of output file and you will create a text file
containing the prescription.
Suppose I enter 70 kilograms starting from 12/04, 12 is the day and 4 the
month and I call my output file as “dosage”.
Note: you can use other date formats as far as it is clearly explained.
The output of your program is a text file as follows:
CORTANCYL : Decreasing dose protocol :
- 70 mg from 12/04 to 03/05
- 65 mg from 04/05 to 10/05
- 60 mg from 11/05 to 17/05
- 55 mg from 18/05 to 24/05
- 50 mg from 25/05 to 31/05
- 45 mg from 01/06 to 07/06
- 40 mg from 08/06 to 14/06
- 35 mg from 15/06 to 21/06
- 30 mg from 22/06 to 12/07
- 27.5 mg from 13/07 to 17/07
- 25.0 mg from 18/07 to 22/07
- 22.5 mg from 23/07 to 27/07
- 20.0 mg from 28/07 to 01/08
- 17.5 mg from 02/08 to 06/08
- 15.0 mg from 07/08 to 11/08
- 14 mg from 12/08 to 21/08
- 13 mg from 22/08 to 31/08
- 12 mg from 01/09 to 10/09
- 11 mg from 11/09 to 20/09
- 10 mg from 21/09 to 30/09
- 9 mg from 01/10 to 10/10
- 8 mg from 11/10 to 20/10
- 7 mg from 21/10 to 30/10
- 6 mg from 31/10 to 09/11
- 5 mg from 10/11 to 19/11
- 4 mg from 20/11 to 29/11
- 3 mg from 30/11 to 09/12
- 2 mg from 10/12 to 19/12
- 1 mg from 20/12 to 29/12
Then stop
2. Create an interface for this program using PySimpleGUI or Tkinter to allow the user
to choose the weight or type it, to choose the starting date on a calendar. Then
uses the navigation to say where the file should be saved. Take care of errors,
and alerts, try to be as interactive as possible to solve the users’ problems.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit a python file and a readme file (maximum one page) as a zip file. Name your file
as id_name_a1. Your python file should be commented, and all functions should have
the doc string.
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