代做HPM 573、代写Java,c++设计程序
Course Project: HPM 573 01 (SP24): Advanced Topics in Modeling Health Care Decisions
Course Project
The course project is intended to be a complete experience in developing, analyzing and presenting
a simulation model to guide medical decision making. The project could be conducted individually or
in group of two. PhD students are required to conduct their project individually. The final product
includes a report and a 10-minute presentation to be delivered in the last session of the class.
Project Proposal: Each group or individual should submit a proposal to describe the following by the
due date specified in the course schedule. Upload the proposal to Canvas as
LASTNAME1_FIRSTNAME1_and_LASTNAME2_FIRSTNAME2.docx. Groups are allowed to
replicate the model and results presented in a scientific article. All groups are encouraged to speak to
the instructor about their proposal prior to the proposal due date to ensure the feasibility of the
proposed work. Proposals should include:
1. A description of the policy-related question(s) that will be modeled in the project and the public
health significance of the question(s). Note that the policy-related questions you proposed to
model should involve selecting the best option among a number of alternatives. Examples of such
questions include When to screen individuals for breast cancer (at age 40, 45,or 50)? , Which
screening methods should be used for individuals at risk of colon cancer (Fecal Occult Blood
Tests or Colonoscopy)?
2. The natural history of the disease or the characteristics of the system you propose to model and
the simplifying assumptions that will be held by the model.
3. Details of health alternatives (e.g. drugs, diagnostic tests, medical procedures, technologies, etc.)
to model and descriptions of how they may impact the natural history and/or the outcomes of the
4. Sources of data needed to inform parameters and to establish the validity of the model.
Project Report: The final project report is due on the last session of the course. Upload all report
materials to Canvas as LASTNAME1_LASTNAME2_REPORT.docx. In addition to the items
described above, the final report should also include:
5. A description of the modeling approach used to address the proposed policy-related questions.
6. Details of how the the validity of the model was established.
7. Conclusions and the description of the economic evaluation (e.g. cost-effectiveness analysis) or
statistical methods employed to draw conclusions.
8. Analyses of parameter uncertainty and to demonstrate the sensitivity of the conclusions to the key
model parameters and/or assumptions.
Final Project Presentation: Each group will have 10 minutes in the last session to present their
project to the class. Presenters should make sure to properly cover the items above in their
Course Project: HPM 573 01 (SP24): Advanced Topics in Modeling Health Care Decisions
Project Evaluation: The final project constitutes 50% of your final score. This 50% is broken into:
25% for your report, evaluated by the instructor, and
25% for your presentation, evaluated by the instructor and participants. Each student will be
asked to evaluate the work of other groups based on the 8 components described above.
Sample Studies: Students are encouraged to review these papers to gain better understanding
about the types of policy-related questions they can propose to model and analyse for their course
project. These papers are also helpful in learning how to describe the implementation and results of
modeling studies.
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