代做ARM Assembly First Lab、c/c++,Java程序代写
Assembly Lab #1
ARM Assembly First Lab
Write an ARM Assembly language procedure called Power that will calculate the integer power of an
integer number.
1. Outline the code to calculate the integer power of an integer number using pseudocode or a
flow chart, considering that the calculation will be done in ARM Assembly Language.
2. Write an independent procedure (that would operate something like a function) that calculates
the integer power of an integer number that runs in the ARM Assembly Language Simulator in
3. Write a method that calls your independent procedure.
1. Write pseudocode or create a flow chart to outline the calculation of an integer power of an
integer number.
2. Write and comment ARM Assembly language code that will calculate the integer power of an
integer number. Comments must be complete.
3. Show how your code matches your results of part 1.
4. Write a method that calls your independent procedure. Show that it runs in the zyBooks
Do NOT use Generative AI for this lab. Do the work yourself. Any indication that Generative AI was used
will result in a 0 on the assignment.
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