Create the game of hangman.
You must display the rules of the game and then the Main Menu. The user should have time to read the
rules prior to the main menu being displayed.
You do not need to draw the gallows on the screen. No points will be awarded if you do.
Your game must include the words given at the end of this assignment as well as 10 of your own.
You must show the letters picked.
Users get 3 guesses to the word and 5 letter guesses. These are separate and word guesses don’t count
towards letters guess and vice versa. You must give the user the option to guess a word or a letter.
After each guess (whether word or letter) you must tell them how many of each guess is left.
If the user runs out of all guesses and doesn’t guess the word, you will inform them that they lost and
display the correct word.
If the user guesses the word – either by word guesses or by letter guesses – they win and you must tell
them they win.
The game display is a series of underscores and spaces along with the word length.
_ _ _ _ _ (5 letters)
As each letter is guessed, fill in the appropriate blank.
_ R _ _ _ (5 letters)
1. Style counts and will be graded
2. Procedures do one basic thing
3. You must use proc/proto/invoke for ALL non-irvine functions.
4. All arguments/parameters will be passed by the invoke statements.
5. Error checking at all levels of the game.
6. Use of string primitives – Scan.
Extra Credit
+ 5 Read words from a file.
+ 5 display letters guessed
+ 5 add a menu option to show scores. When selected this will show the number of games played, won,
请加QQ:99515681 邮箱:99515681@qq.com WX:codinghelp
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