8PRO102 – Programming Language (C++)
Project Week #2
• The project must be developed in a team (3-6 members)
• Using code from Internet is not allowed (Don’t take a premade project from internet).
• Comment your additional files.
• Choose one of the two projects (one is simpler but gives fewer points).
• Write a report describing the structure of your project (follow the template provided). Everything
must be explained in your report.
Project A
• Implement a meeting management application.
• The application allows the user to:
o Add, remove, update, show (information) people. A person has:
An ID (composed by a 4-digit number (years of registration), and a counter that
increases each time one person is registered, 20221 for example)
A first name and a last name.
A status (Professor, Student, Administrative).
o Add, remove, update show (information) working rooms. Workings rooms have:
An ID (a number)
Maximum capacity
Remote meeting (Visio telephony) system or not
o Schedule meetings (by adding people to working rooms and setting a period). A meeting
A period.
A list of participants.
The need for a visio telephony system or not
o Cancel meetings.
o A meeting that does not need visio telephony system can be set in a room that proposes
one. However, a meeting that needs a visio telephony system can not be set in a room
that does not propose one.
o Warn the user if a working room is not available for a specific period.
• Save and load from a file.
• Show credits.
• If the user tries to interrupt the program by pressing (CTRL + C) the application should asked the
user if they want to save before).
8PRO102 – Programming Language (C++)
• If a room is removed, and a meeting booked the room, the system asks the user to confirm. If the
user confirms all the meeting linked to this room are removed.
• If the user tries to add more participants than the room capacity, the system raises a message
and propose another room is one is available or another period.
Features Descriptions Score
Menu Main menu is show and can quit the program 1
Person Can add, remove, update and show a person, show option
prints all information about one person.
Working room Can add, remove, update and show a working room. Show
option prints, the ID of the room, maximum capacity, if the
room contains a visio telephony system or not, the number of
meetings linked to the meeting room
Meeting Can add, remove, update and show a meeting. Show option
prints, the ID of the room, the list of participants, the period, the
need for visio telephony system or not.
Save and load Can save and load from file (one or several, you can use JSON,
Interrupt If the user press (CTRL + C) the application, ask if you want to
save before.
Credit The program show the names of all members of the group 1
Modulization Your project use headers files 1
Feedback Each action generates feedback to inform if the action has
been completed or not
Total 12
Welcome to Meeting Management Application
0 : Quit
1 : People menu
2 : Room menu
3 : Meeting menu
4 : Save/Load menu
5 : Credit
8PRO102 – Programming Language (C++)
People menu
0 : Back to main menu
1 : Register
2 : Show
3 : Update
People update menu.
> Enter person ID:
> What do you want to update?
0: Cancel and back
1: First name
2: Last name
3: Status
Meeting menu
0 : Back to main menu
1 : Add
2 : Show
3 : Update
8PRO102 – Programming Language (C++)
Project B
• Implement a “Snake X Game of Life” game.
• “Snake X Game of Life”’s rules
o a two-dimensional orthogonal grid (400x400) of square cells
o each cell is in one of four possible states, alive (eatable, or rotten), dead, or wall.
o every cell interacts with its eight neighbours:
Any alive(rotten) cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies.
Any alive cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
Any alive(rotten) cell with more than three live neighbours dies on to the next
Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes alive(eatable) on to
the next generation. An eatable cell born with a counter starting at 10.
Each time an eatable cell should die, the counter is decreased by 1. If the
counter reaches 0 the eatable cell is transformed into a rotten cell.
o The snake can eat alive cells.
o If the snake eats an eatable cell, its tail grown by one cell, the user owns 3 points.
o If the snake eats a rotten cell, its tail loses one cell. The user owns 1 point. If the length
of the tail is 0 the game is over.
o If the snake head hit a wall, or its tail the game is over.
o The snake’s head and tails are considered as alive cells.
o Wall are set a random position at the beginning of the game. All are considered as dead
Room booking menu.
> Do you need a visio telephony system? (y: yes, n: no)
> How many people?
> When? (MMDDHHmm)
> When? (MMDDHHmm)
> Time in minutes
> Rooms: 101, 102, 202, 301 are available. Which one would you like?
8PRO102 – Programming Language (C++)
o The player can use WASD keys to move the snake.
o The snake starts with a tail tree size length.
o The score is saved and loaded from a file each time we launch and quit the game.
Features Descriptions Score
Graphics You draw the game by using the console, (1 point),
or you use https://www.raylib.com/ (3 points)
The head and tails should have different form/colors
Move the snake Can move the snake using WASD keys 3
Score The score is updated each time the head eats an eatable cell 1
Tail size The tail is updated each time the head eats an eatable cell 2
Save and load Can save and load from file 1
Cells Cells follow game of life’s rules with new rules 1
Credit The program shows the names of all members of the group 1
Modulization Your project use headers files 1
Snake rules The game stops if the snake’s head hits his tail or wall cells 1
End of game Player’s score and Top score (10) is showed at the end of the
game. The users can enter their name.
Menu The player can start, view scores, or quit the game 1
Pause The game can be paused, and resumed 1
Cells preview The users can see a preview of next grid’s state if they don’t do
Total 20
The following table shows optional features you can implement. You have to complete all core features
before implementing the following features.
Features Descriptions Score
Two players mode The game can be played with another player using arrows key.
Player one, starts on the left, player two on the right side of the
Network Two players mode using network 6
AI mode Two players mode where the second played is controlled by an
Customization Players can customize the look of snakes (head, and tail) 1
Grid size Players can change during runtime the size of the grid 1
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