Project specifications
The ABONNET Company, a Montreal firm, subjected to competitive pressures forces
and the need to increase the productivity of its activities in the province and the
productivity of its organization, has decided to automate its subscription activities
through an Internet-based Subscriber Management System (ISMS).
ABONNET is specialized in subscription management of private and commercial
customers within the organization. This management requires several types of equipment.
The company is equipped with highly sensitive high-technology equipment (line of
Internet, server, etc.).
The development and implementation of ISMS Web application at ABONNET will
automate and improve the rental process, consequently will increase the customer
satisfaction. The project objectives are:
Increase the efficiency of information transmission between staff and
provide smooth operations processing
Increase staff productivity by accelerating customer data processing
applications and reduce frequent errors caused by equipment failures
Provide immediate access to reliable information and effective use of
Lead the market by providing high quality and reliable services
Internet-based Subscriber Management System allows ABONNET to offer to its clients
of competitive subscriptions (lease agreements of Internet) according to their needs.
The system, which interests us, must ensure:
Validation of customer access code;
Client management: the system must provide information about each Client, his
name, address, phone, etc. There are two types of customers:
- Particular customers are individual or private users;
- Business customers: these are commercial;
The management of rental equipment: the registered user has the possibility to
rent equipment from the company such as Computers and Modems;
Installation of equipment;
Training of staff;
Equipment repair;
Web pages programming;
Phone support;
Printing of reports and statistics.
ABONNET offers services of the rental of Internet line to its customers. A client can be
an individual, a corporation or a government agency.
The line is leased to a person annually.
Lease requires the opening of a lease.
This involves paying rent (rent of the line and the corresponding taxes). These fees are
collected monthly or annually.
The advisor follows up contracts that expire. He communicates with concerned customers
to inform them of the renewal period. Any renewal engenders the production of a new
A contract may be canceled at any time and the organization is required to keep a history
of these contracts. The fees collected are not refundable.
The customer may require that tax receipts are produced for his contract.
The system must produce invoices for customers.
The payment of the invoice can be made either by credit card or by check or by direct
The system must allow centralized management of Internet lines. In addition, it must
manage the opening of the lease agreement, the renewal of the contract, termination of
the lease, the equipment delivery to the customer, client billing.
Table of Contents
1.1. Description of the issue
1.2. Objective
1.3. Scope
1.4. Specific hypothesis
1.5. Identification of the main functions of the system
1.6. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
1. Functional (Requirements) Analysis
1.1. Business Model
1.1.1. Business Domain Description (Problem)
1.1.2. The System’s Boundary
1.2. Use Case Model
1.2.1. Use Case Diagrams
1.3. Interface Model
1.3.1. List of the interfaces
1.3.2. Description of the interfaces
2. Dynamic Model
2.1. Sequence Diagram
2.2. State Diagram
3. General Design
3.1. List of associations
3.2. UML Class Diagram
3.3. Description of Classes, Attributes and Methods
4. Detailed Design
4.1. Class services
4.1.1. Collaboration Set between classes
4.2. Activities, actions, and events of classes
4.3. Algorithms
5. Implementation
5.1. Choice of the programming language
5.2. Choice of the Data Structure
Activities Marks
Analysis and Design 30%
Prototype Implementation, including Demos 60%
Presentation 10%请加QQ:99515681 邮箱:99515681@qq.com WX:codinghelp
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