James Cook University Singapore Selects Juniper Networks to Enable Transformative Blended Learning E
Juniper's AI-driven solutions provide a predictable, reliable and measurable network, enhancing campus experiences for students, staff and guests
Juniper Networks® (NYSE:JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-driven networks, today announced that James Cook University Singapore (JCU Singapore), the first international campus of James Cook University Australia (JCU Australia), deployed Juniper’s cloud-delivered wireless access solutions driven by Mist AI™ for upgrades to its campus network. With the Juniper Access Points, JCU Singapore has built an AI-driven wireless network that supports its drive towards creating a technology-enhanced education program, delivering seamless blended learning experiences for its students.
Fully owned by JCU Australia and ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world, the Singapore campus was established in 2003 as part of its commitment to internationalize its operations. In addition to its research programs, the university offers a range of university-level programs spanning various disciplines, including Business, Tourism & Hospitality, Information Technology, Education and Psychology. Over the years, the university has invested in technology infrastructure to facilitate effective communication, virtual learning, collaboration, and campus facility enhancements.
During the pandemic, the university conducted over 60,000 online learning and teaching sessions before resuming full campus operations in 2022. In response to students’ feedback for JCU Singapore to continue providing a flexible learning environment, the university embarked on an ambitious project to offer most courses through a blended learning approach. Additionally, as the student population grew (surpassing the 2022 target by 6%), the university recognized the need for a more robust network to support their evolving mobility requirements.
Building on a long-term relationship that spans across its campuses in Australia and Singapore, JCU Singapore teamed up with Juniper to overhaul its campus wireless network. The university deployed the Juniper AP43 and AP63 Wireless Access Points across its facilities – including its lecture and seminar rooms, libraries, labs, aquaculture research centers and sports facilities – ensuring comprehensive high-speed wireless coverage across the entire campus.
Using Juniper's Mist AI and Cloud, the university's IT team effortlessly deployed the APs campus-wide, establishing the wireless network before the school term and achieving comprehensive network visibility through a unified management interface. The APs work in conjunction with Juniper Mist™ Wi-Fi Assurance, enabling the IT team to swiftly resolve Wi-Fi issues by pinpointing their source, ensuring the best possible experience for students.
Since implementing an AI-driven network, students and faculty have enjoyed improved wireless experiences. With the upgraded network from Juniper, JCU Singapore now has access to automated troubleshooting, analytics, and optimization. In addition, cloud-based management also allows for centralized control, rapid deployment, and easy scalability.
Looking forward, the university is also exploring the upgrade of its existing Juniper switches, with plans to utilize Juniper’s Indoor Location Services to develop a campus navigation app. These network enhancements align with the university's commitment to redefining the campus experience to better cater to the needs and preferences of its students, staff, and guests.
Supporting Quotes:
“As James Cook University Singapore embraces blended learning, we recognized the need to modernize our network to deliver a stronger digital experience for our students, staff, and guests. Juniper’s AI-driven solutions were key to helping us undergo a smooth transformation, enabling our IT team to seamlessly upgrade our network and provide a dependable high-speed wireless campus experience. With an AI-driven network, we are confident in our ability to continue offering the innovative events and programs that we believe set us apart as we look to redefine the learning journey at our campus.”
- Abdul Samathu, Assistant Manager, ICT, James Cook University
“Technology, in particular AI, is leading the transformation of education, reshaping the way universities operate. We are honored to support James Cook University Singapore in their endeavors that seek to effectively transform the learning experience for its students. With our AI-driven solutions, we are committed to empowering the university to achieve a revitalized blended learning program for its students, all while enhancing the digital experience for everyone across its campus.”
- Perry Sui, Area Vice President, ASEAN & Taiwan, Juniper Networks
Additional Resources
- Case Study: James Cook University Singapore Powers Learning with an AI-driven Network
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About Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks is dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability and equality. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks (www.juniper.net) or connect with Juniper on X (Twitter), LinkedIn and Facebook.
Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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