Bureau Veritas becomes the market leader in Consumer Products Services in Mexico through the acquisi
NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bureau Veritas, a global leader in the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry, announces the acquisition of the Conformity Assessment entity from ANCE Estándares S.C.: “ANCE S.A de C.V.” (Asociación de Normalización y Certificación), a leader in testing and certification services for electrical and electronic products in Mexico.
ANCE S.A de C.V. is the Mexican leader for conformity assessment covering many segments including electrical and electronic products, household appliances, and lighting and wireless products.
ANCE S.A de C.V. is a strategic partner to a wide portfolio of domestic clients including manufacturers, retailers, importers, and brands in Mexico, but also worldwide. The company employs around 400 people across its various laboratories across the country and generated a revenue of c.€21 million in 2023.
Through this acquisition Bureau Veritas will establish a center of competence supporting Mexico’s continued growth as an importer, manufacturer, and exporter of technology products.
This acquisition significantly enhances Bureau Veritas’ Consumer Products Services presence in the Americas, entering a large and growing domestic market with increasing regulatory requirements for quality, safety and energy efficiency. It positions Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services as the market leader in Mexico.
Hinda Gharbi, Chief Executive Officer of Bureau Veritas, commented: “We are delighted to welcome ANCE S.A de C.V. to Bureau Veritas. With the reconfiguration of supply chains, global sourcing shifts, and with customers investing in fast-growing 'near-shoring' markets, it is critical for our future growth to accompany these transformations. Mexico being one of the fastest-growing exporters to the USA, the integration of ANCE S.A de C.V.’s labs and technical knowledge provides an excellent platform for growth in the Americas and is fully aligned with our Consumer Products strategy to diversify into new segments and new geographies.”
Abel Hernandez, General Director of ANCE S.A de C.V., stated: “With its history, customer portfolio, services diversity, shared values and integrity, we are delighted to join Bureau Veritas. Mexico is well positioned for growth with a lot of new investment continuing to flow into the country. In combining Bureau Veritas’s global business platform with ANCE S.A de C.V.’s local expertise and brand strength, we will be able to consolidate our leadership position in Mexico. Jointly, we will offer comprehensive testing, certification and global market solutions that are truly unique in our industry.”
About Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in laboratory testing, inspection and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group has circa 82,000 employees located in nearly 1,600 offices and laboratories around the globe. Bureau Veritas helps its 400,000 clients improve their performance by offering services and innovative solutions in order to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Bureau Veritas is listed on Euronext Paris and belongs to the CAC 40 ESG, CAC Next 20 and SBF 120 indices.
Compartment A, ISIN code FR 0006174348, stock symbol: BVI.
For more information, visit www.bureauveritas.com, and follow us on Twitter (@bureauveritas) and LinkedIn.
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