Arthur D. Little Publishes Human After All – Latest Edition of PRISM Magazine
Arthur D. Little (ADL) has published Human After All – the latest edition of its strategy and innovation magazine PRISM. As we enter the era of AI, the first edition of 2024 highlights the importance of taking a human-centric approach to business management.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:
The magazine features seven key articles:
- Optimistic global CEOs focus on people and skills in an AI future - Our lead article shares highlights from the ADL 2024 CEO Insights Study, finding that CEOs are increasingly confident of future economic success.
- The people-centric lab of the future – how technology and AI can play a key role in driving breakthrough innovation by enabling people to become perfect innovators.
- The future workforce - Recruiting and retaining vital Generation Z talent – harnessing Gen Z skills is essential for business success in a digitalized future – we look at strategies for successfully integrating them into the multigenerational workforce.
- Why patient-centricity is key to long term pharma company success – our article explains how the pharma industry can transform to put the patient at the center of how it operates.
- Software revolution – How AI is reshaping the future of software products and services – the benefits and pitfalls that AI brings to software development for both technology providers and enterprises with in-house software capabilities.
- Be careful out there – the generative AI revolution brings tremendous opportunities, but also large-scale risks. Our article unpacks the various risk domains and explains how they can be managed effectively.
- CEO interview: Jeremy Nixon, CEO, Ocean Network Express (ONE) - Ocean Network Express is a leading shipping company with over 200 vessels. CEO Jeremy Nixon outlines how it is enabling sustainable success.
Ignacio García Alves, Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little, comments: “Technological innovation, especially AI, is often in the headlines as a threat to humans, but it is the combination of AI and humans together that will be transformative for business and society. This issue of PRISM explains why organizations need to take a fresh look at the human dimension if they are to thrive moving forward in an AI future.”
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