Gen II Fund Services Transforms Its Global Service Capabilities with Successful Acquisition of Crest
Gen II Finalizes Acquisition, Expanding Its Private Capital Servicing Capabilities in Key European Jurisdictions. Assets Under Administration Now More Than $1 Trillion
NEW YORK and ST. HELIER, Jersey, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Gen II Fund Services (“Gen II”), a leading independent private capital fund administrator, today announced the successful close of the acquisition of Crestbridge, a preeminent European provider of private capital fund administration services.
The acquisition of Crestbridge expands Gen II’s presence in Luxembourg and adds jurisdictional reach in the UK, Jersey, Ireland, and other international markets, significantly broadening Gen II’s global service reach and product capabilities. The acquisition increases Gen II’s assets under administration to more than $1 trillion and creates a roster of more than 1,700 professionals, representing one of the industry’s largest and most experienced fund administration teams. Dean Hodcroft, former CEO of Crestbridge, will lead Gen II’s European operations.
Founded in 1998, Crestbridge provides a broad range of outsourced administration, accounting, corporate governance, depositary, management company, and compliance services to many of the world’s leading fund sponsors. The firm has specialized private markets expertise, including private equity, real estate, private credit, and infrastructure, as well as a highly regarded corporate services offering.
With this announcement, Crestbridge becomes a fully integrated part of Gen II’s leadership and service capabilities, ensuring that Gen II and Crestbridge clients have immediate access to a growing range of high quality, high touch, multinational services and capabilities.
“The integration of the Crestbridge team and capabilities into Gen II marks a major milestone in achieving our goal to be the leading global private capital fund administrator,” said Steven Millner, CEO of Gen II. “Blending Crestbridge’s private equity and real estate fund administration businesses with our service offerings provides our clients with many more options to support their success and growth.”
“We look forward to continuing to invest in and expand our substantial European client footprint and bring clients a growing range of expert services” said Dean Hodcroft, Gen II’s Head of Europe. “We look forward to empowering our unified teams to support international private fund managers through all stages of their fund lifecycles.”
About Gen II
Gen II is a leading global fund administration provider focused entirely on serving private capital asset managers and investors. Since its inception in 2009, the company has become one of the largest independent global private capital fund administrators, with more than $1 trillion of private fund capital under administration. Gen II offers private fund sponsors a best-in-class combination of people, process, and technology, enabling GPs to manage their operational infrastructure, financial reporting, and investor communications most effectively. For more information, please visit
Media Contacts:
For Gen II:
Sarah Rutledge
Highwire Public Relations
For Crestbridge:
Daniel Jason
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