Essential Pharma Announces the Acquisition of Reminyl® (galantamine hydrobromide) Oral Capsules
Essential Pharma Announces the Acquisition of Reminyl® (galantamine hydrobromide) Oral Capsules
Reminyl® is an established CNS brand for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderately severe dementia of the Alzheimer type
The acquisition ensures continued access to this essential cholinesterase inhibitor for dementia patients in key markets
Significant addition to Essential Pharma’s portfolio of specialty central nervous system (CNS) medicines and further expands the company’s presence globally
Egham, UK – 17 April 2024 – Essential Pharma, an international specialty pharma group focused on ensuring that patients have sustainable access to low volume, clinically differentiated, niche pharmaceutical products across key therapeutic areas, announces that it has completed the acquisition of Reminyl® oral capsules from Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, a Johnson & Johnson company.
Reminyl®, a cholinesterase inhibitor, is an established central nervous system (CNS) drug indicated for the treatment of mild to moderately severe dementia of the Alzheimer type. Under the terms of the acquisition, Essential Pharma has acquired rights to Reminyl® oral capsules in the EEA, Thailand, South Korea and all other current markets for that product, excluding UK and Ireland, Japan and Latin America.
The acquisition of Reminyl® represents further validation of Essential Pharma’s status as a trusted partner in ensuring the sustained supply of essential medicines to patients, healthcare providers and carers. As well as being an important addition to Essential Pharma’s portfolio of specialty CNS medicines, the acquisition further expands the Company’s presence globally, particularly in the APAC region.
Emma Johnson, CEO of Essential Pharma, commented: “Our acquisition of rights to Reminyl® in these markets will ensure Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers in those regions have continued access to this vital medicine. The acquisition represents a significant and synergistic addition to our concentrated portfolio of CNS products, further expanding our global presence and solidifying our position as a leading specialty pharma group.”
About Essential Pharma
Essential Pharma is an international specialty pharmaceutical group dedicated to maintaining access to clinically differentiated, niche, branded medicines across multiple therapeutic areas. The group has been an important and valued partner to healthcare providers for over 20 years by giving underserved patient populations access to medicines that otherwise might not be available, and addressing clinical unmet needs. Essential Pharma operates globally in more than 70 countries, supplying a portfolio of products with a focus on the central nervous system (CNS), gastroenterology, ophthalmology, and rare disease. The group’s growth strategy is centred on portfolio optimisation and a targeted M&A approach to acquire commercial and late-clinical stage assets in the four therapeutic areas of focus. It is a trusted partner to multiple pharma companies of all sizes, with a proven history of integrating assets and managing complex technology transfers seamlessly while ensuring continuous and sustainable supply to patients.
Essential Pharma is backed by Gyrus Capital, an investment firm dedicated to transformational investments in sectors with long-term sustainable growth, including healthcare.
For more information, please visit
Essential Pharma
ICR Consilium
Tracy Cheung / Chris Welsh / Isabelle Abdou
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3709 5700
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