American Energy Storage Innovations Secures Major Purchase Order for TeraStor Systems from Solway De
BOSTON, Jan. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc. (AESI), a leading provider of ultra-dense, safe, efficient and reliable energy storage solutions (ESS), announced a significant purchase order from Solway Development LLC (Solway) for its innovative TeraStor™ ESS. This agreement marks another milestone in AESI's mission to accelerate the adoption of clean energy technology and underscores the growing demand for TeraStor.
Solway is a forward-thinking developer for sustainable energy projects. Under the terms of the agreement, Solway will deploy multiple TeraStor systems in Massachusetts, leveraging their impressive energy density, reliability and ease of deployment. TeraStor's ability to integrate seamlessly and deliver unparalleled performance makes it ideally suited for Solway's renewable project needs.
"We are thrilled to partner with Solway Development and provide them with our industry leading TeraStor ESS," said Bud Collins, CEO of AESI. "Solway's commitment to sustainable development aligns perfectly with our mission to provide reliable energy storage for a brighter future. We are confident TeraStor will play a vital role in empowering Solway to achieve its ambitious sustainability goals."
The TeraStor system boasts several key advantages that make it the ideal choice for discerning customers like Solway:
- Unmatched energy density: Delivers exceptional storage capacity in a compact footprint, ideal for space-constrained environments
- Ease of deployment: Streamlined installation and commissioning process reduces downtime and ensures rapid project completion
- Safety and reliability: Built with safety at the forefront and robust engineering for long-lasting performance.
- Low levelized cost of usable storage (LCUS): Delivers superior value and long-term cost savings
"At Solway, we are committed to implementing innovative solutions that minimize our environmental impact and ensure the viability of our projects for the long term," said James McAuliffe, President of Solway. "AESI's TeraStor perfectly aligns with these goals, offering exceptional performance, reliability and a deep and long-term partnership between our companies. We are confident that this partnership will be instrumental to all our current and future renewable energy projects."
This agreement between AESI and Solway underscores the critical role energy storage plays in enabling a sustainable future. AESI remains committed to developing and delivering cutting-edge technology that empowers businesses and communities to embrace renewable energy and achieve their sustainability objectives.
For more information on AESI and the 7.9+ MWh (>300MWh/acre) TeraStorTM, please visit
About American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc.
American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc. (AESI) is a pioneering provider of advanced energy storage solutions. The company designs, develops and manufactures cutting-edge systems, empowering customers to harness the full potential of renewable energy and optimize energy management. With a steadfast commitment to value, reliability, sustainability and innovation, the AESI team of industry veterans aims to revolutionize the energy storage landscape.
About Solway Development LLC
Solway Development LLC is a forward-thinking developer focused on sustainable infrastructure projects. The company is dedicated to implementing innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact and ensure the long-term viability of its projects. Solway is committed to contributing to a cleaner and more resilient future through collaborative partnerships and responsible development practices.
AESI Media Relations
American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc.
2 Cabot Road, Hudson, MA 01749 USA
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